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More Muppet Music Madness

A few weeks ago I linked to the awe­some Bohemi­an Rhaps­ody You­Tube video (check it out if you missed it), and now, here’s two more HD music vids with one of my favour­ite  Mupp —  Beak­er. Enjoy. Ode To Joy (HD) Beak­er­’s Bal­lad (HD)

A few weeks ago I linked to the awe­some Bohemi­an Rhaps­ody You­Tube video (check it out if you missed it), and now, here’s two more HD music vids with one of my favour­ite  Mupp —  Beak­er. Enjoy.

Ode To Joy (HD)

Beak­er­’s Bal­lad (HD)



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