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Category: On the web

  • Lastpass security breach blog post — AI summarised

    LastPass suffered a security breach, but there's been no activity since October 2022. The company has enhanced security measures, and we've got the details in this AI-summarized blog post. Find out what happened, what LastPass has done, and how you can protect yourself.

  • What to do when you can’t connect to the Internet with Google Chrome?

    What to do when you can’t connect to the Internet with Google Chrome?

    Needed to reset the router. Did so, lost inter­net con­nec­tion while it was reboot­ing. Had Chrome open and refreshed my con­nec­tion. This neat little run­ning jump­ing game appears. It appears to just be a ‘no con­nec­tion’ screen… but press the space bar. And have fun!

  • Google

    Love today’s Google Doodle.  Source: Google

  • This takes the cake: To the audiophile, this $10,000 Ethernet cable apparently makes sense

    Wow. This is some ser­i­ously messed up lan­guage used to describe ‘premi­um-grade’ Audio Eth­er­net cables — yes, you read that right, Eth­er­net cables for the Audi­o­phile mar­ket. My word… All insu­la­tion slows down the sig­nal on the con­duct­or inside. When insu­la­tion is unbiased, it slows down parts of the sig­nal dif­fer­ently, a big prob­lem for very…

  • I’m Crazy and I’m gaming for 24 hours for an amazing cause! Sponsor Me!

    Update: Beam­dog just dog-piled on with 6 clas­sic Dun­geons & Dragons games! Bioware just jumped in to sup­port me! Cool prizes for donors. I’ve added my Gam­ing Sched­ule. I’m kinda into gam­ing — y’all know that. And I’m into my dogs — ya’ll know that too. So when an oppor­tun­ity like this popped up, I could­n’t…

  • Expected: Keurig’s attempt to ‘DRM’ its coffee cups totally backfired

    I’m amazed that someone thought that apply­ing DRM to a cof­fee machine was a good idea. Using single-use dis­pos­able cof­fee pods is not great for the envir­on­ment — we use a refil­lable pod, which would be locked out under the Keur­ig 2.0 system. Con­sumers hate DRM — in music, in movies, in any­thing — but…

  • Oh My Yes. This is Star Wars.

    Not much more I can say. Watch the video. Enjoy.

  • Better than Flappy Bird. Because Orbits!

    Yeah, Flappy Bird got old quick, but this little gem has me trapped in its grav­ity well (see what I did there?). Flappy Space Pro­gram, just like Flappy Bird, is simple. Click to launch your bird. Now, keep tap­ping to over­come grav­ity and launch your bird into orbit. Simple no? Ok, now add anoth­er bird. Then…

  • Hammered

    And not the way you think. My blog (and oth­ers of my account asso­ci­ated with my attacked domain) was off­line for a bit. It seems that someone thinks it’s a good idea to ham­mer my web­host’s serv­ers try­ing to find vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies in their security. They selec­ted my domain again today. Prob­lem is fixed, but it’s…

  • Gadget and Claire

    This week’s Weekly­Beats cre­ation — I had no idea what I’d be doing this week. Then Korg went and released the cool Gad­get app for the iPad and I knew I’d be using it. A few hours later, some futz­ing around in Gar­age­Band for the drumkit, gui­tars and mix, and it’s done. Thanks to my drum­mer…

  • Flipboard comes to the web — and my Gaming Magazine is featured!

    Very cool! I’ve been cur­at­ing a Flip­board magazine for a few months now, gathered a mod­est fol­low­ing, and now that Flip­board magazine is fea­tured as Flip­board makes the huge leap to shar­ing magazines on the web! On Gam­ing is fea­tured in the ‘Magazines we Love’ sec­tion of Flip­board’s Com­munity pro­filed pages. So now, you don’t need to…

  • New Yahoo! weather app powered by Flickr makes bad weather look great!

    Earli­er today Yahoo! launched a new iOS weath­er app that takes advant­age of the power of the crowd through a cool Flickr group; Pro­ject Weath­er. The com­pany line: Today, we’re shar­ing the Yahoo! Weath­er App for iPhone, iPod and iPod touch – a win­dow into the places you care about. We’ve brought togeth­er beau­ti­ful images from…