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Gadget and Claire

This week’s Weekly­Beats cre­ation — I had no idea what I’d be doing this week. Then Korg went and released the cool Gad­get app for the iPad and I knew I’d be using it. A few hours later, some futz­ing around in Gar­age­Band for the drumkit, gui­tars and mix, and it’s done. Thanks to my drum­mer…

This week’s Weekly­Beats cre­ation — I had no idea what I’d be doing this week. Then Korg went and released the cool Gad­get app for the iPad and I knew I’d be using it.

A few hours later, some futz­ing around in Gar­age­Band for the drumkit, gui­tars and mix, and it’s done. Thanks to my drum­mer ‘Ian’ — though I think he kinda steals the show in a couple of places.

Now, I have to learn how to make some­thing longer than a minute and a bit…

[sound­cloud url=“” params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=“100%” height=“166” iframe=“true” /]


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