Tag: GarageBand

  • WeeklyBeats5 — The Conversation

    My latest sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats 2014. Had a lot of tech­nic­al chal­lenges with this one. Slower beat required more con­sid­er­a­tion of instru­ment selec­tion and place­ment. Also had to get vari­ous samples to sound ‘good’ at this beat and dis­covered the mud­di­ness that can be intro­duced by tweak­ing the sample fre­quency. Not a great tune, but…

  • Gadget and Claire

    This week’s Weekly­Beats cre­ation — I had no idea what I’d be doing this week. Then Korg went and released the cool Gad­get app for the iPad and I knew I’d be using it. A few hours later, some futz­ing around in Gar­age­Band for the drumkit, gui­tars and mix, and it’s done. Thanks to my drum­mer…

  • Experiment in Atmospherice

    Well, I was dis­ap­poin­ted that I did­n’t have more time for my third (weekly) sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats — but it’s my own fault that I let my time get away from me this week. In the time I had, I man­aged to stitch togeth­er a few tracks and make a sal­vage­able attempt at an atmo­spher­ic bit.…

  • Flightline

    The latest image for an upcom­ing com­pos­i­tion exer­cise with Weekly­Beats. It’s fun to make the music AND envi­sion an album cov­er for the tune. Image cap­tured with my iPhone and edited with my iPad. Flight­line should be is live on the WeeklyBeats.com site Janu­ary 12th around 5pm MST now.

  • WeeklyBeats — a year long project

    Over the last few years I’ve been try­ing to learn more about music pro­duc­tion. This has been an on/off interest of mine with real motiv­a­tion driv­ing me toward any learn­ing struc­ture. Last week that changed. I found WeeklyBeats.com — a web­site that encour­ages you to pro­duce — any type of music — one cut per…