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Tag: Entertainment

  • Poirot discusses the movie Knives Out with his friends.

    A dinner party and a movie review. The famous Belgian detective and friends discuss Knives Out.

  • Godspeed Commander Hadfield

    Cana­dian astro­naut, space enthu­si­ast, edu­cat­or, social media sen­sa­tion, and now enter­tain­er? Yep, those are just a sampling of the roles that Com­mand­er Chris Hadifeld ful­filled dur­ing his 146 day post­ing to the ISS as Sta­tion Commander. His Soy­uz cap­sule returns to Earth tomor­row even­ing, but as a last sur­prise, the Com­mand­er released this video rework­ing of…

  • I’m quite enjoying Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol!

    Yep, I’m hav­ing fun with Ace Patrol, as you may have seen in my pre­vi­ous post, it’s a light single/multiplayer, World War I stra­tegic com­bat game. Air­fights con­sist of up to 8 com­batants, four per side, and vary depend­ing on air­craft, pilot skill, and game dif­fi­culty level. Ace Patrol is cur­rently only avail­able for iPad, iPod…

  • Colour me impressed — using iTunes to stream music to multiple devices simultaneously

    Back in 2006 as part of a post on a new iPod Nano, I ven­ted on how broken iTunes was for my work­flow. Well, time has passed and iTunes has improved, but it’s still not as intu­it­ive or simple for me and my cent­ral­ized music setup: File serv­er stor­ing my music Remote play­back sys­tems in vari­ous rooms…

  • Get your Kerbal on! Update .18 released.

    The latest, and pos­sibly greatest, update to Kerbal Space Pro­gram has just been released, fea­tur­ing: * Dock­ing Con­nect­ing ves­sels togeth­er is now pos­sible! Build space sta­tions, sur­face bases, or assemble huge space­craft in orbit. * Flight Planning Get­ting to oth­er plan­ets and moons just got a lot sim­pler. Place man­euvers along your orbit to cre­ate a…

  • Cool! Mr. D gets the Google Doodle treatment!

    A Cana­dian TV icon today was hon­oured with a Google Doodle (on the .ca Google page any­way) on what would have been his 85th birth­day; Ernie Coombs was bet­ter known as Mr. Dressup.

  • Just because…

    Saw this Star Wars / Call Me Maybe mashup and could­n’t res­ist. It’s that kind of day 🙂  

  • A book to tide me over until the next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend

    Last week­end was great fun as @tturbo and the rest of our years-old Guild Wars group jumped in to the most recent Beta Week­end event. But now the event is done, and the wait con­tin­ues for the *next* event, and I’m find­ing I need more of the world to explore. Behold! So ‘a man has said’…

  • Review: Griffin Beacon Universal Remote Control (iOS version)

    The Griffin Beacon uni­ver­sal remote con­trol is an inter­est­ing device. It’s a little bit lar­ger than an Apple TV2 (or a hockey puck if that’s closer to your frame of ref­er­ence) but it’s got an odd, Zen-like IR ‘stone’ on the top that’s where the con­trol sig­nals come from. Not your every­day IR blaster. On…

  • Got to get your Guild Wars 2 Beta Fix?

    Last week Aren­aNet announced they’d be run­ning a brief ‘Stress Test’ for of their upcom­ing (and awe­some) Guild Wars 2 MMORPG. It starts in a couple of hours, and is only going to run for part of the day, today. And, it’s only open to people who have pre-pur­chased Guild Wars 2 and registered their…

  • Love Skyrim? Love creative music videos? Then this video’s for you!

    So, I’ve been watch­ing the amaz­ing work of Peter Hol­lens for a while now, both through Empire Aven­ue and his You­Tube chan­nel. And this Skyrim theme cov­er is some of his best. And yes, I’m writ­ing about it because it hits a few areas for me, multi-voice tracks, video gam­ing, soundtracks. Oh, and it also…

  • This movie, I want to see, if it’s ever made.

    I’m a huge Portal (and Portal 2) fan, so when I saw this fan-made pro­duc­tion mak­ing the rounds of the social media nets, I had to check it out. Wow. Watch the HD ver­sion, full screen, with the audio cranked.