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Poirot discusses the movie Knives Out with his friends.

A dinner party and a movie review. The famous Belgian detective and friends discuss Knives Out.

Her­cule Poirot: Mes amis, s’il vous plaît, allow me to invite you to be seated. Tonight, we shall embark on a culin­ary jour­ney inspired by the finest tra­di­tions of both Bel­gian and French cuisine. Our menu begins with a del­ic­ate Pot­age Par­men­ti­er, fol­lowed by Coq au Vin, a dish that pays homage to the artistry of Bur­gun­di­an cook­ing. And for the pièce de résist­ance, a Crème Brûlée, a clas­sic touch of sweet­ness to con­clude our soirée.

Cap­tain Hast­ings: Poirot, you truly outdo your­self every time! This menu is a mas­ter­piece in itself.

Miss Lem­on: Indeed, Mon­sieur Poirot, your culin­ary skills rival even your prowess in detection.

Her­cule Poirot: Merci, mes amis. It is a pleas­ure to share this repast with such esteemed com­pany. Now, let us turn our atten­tion to “Knives Out.” Each of you, I am most eager to hear your impressions.

Chief Inspect­or Japp: Well, I must say, Poirot, the film was quite the spec­tacle. A bit the­at­ric­al for my taste, but it did have its mer­its. The plot, though, was a web of intric­a­cies that I found rather engaging.

Cap­tain Hast­ings: Ah, but that’s where it excelled, Chief Inspect­or! The com­plex­ity of the plot kept us guess­ing at every turn. Much like our invest­ig­a­tion in Istan­bul, would­n’t you say, Poirot?

Her­cule Poirot: Indeed, Hast­ings. The little grey cells were thor­oughly engaged through­out. The the­at­ric­al­ity, though, can often lead to rev­el­a­tions one might not expect. Do you recall the affair of the Blue Train, where appear­ances proved deceiving?

Miss Lem­on: The char­ac­ters were intriguing, Mon­sieur Poirot. Each one seemed to hide some­thing, much like the sus­pects in our cases. The dia­logue, though at times irrev­er­ent, added a lay­er of com­plex­ity to their motives.

Cap­tain Hast­ings: Abso­lutely, Miss Lem­on. It reminded me of the com­plex­it­ies we often encountered in our invest­ig­a­tions. And Blanc, while unortho­dox, had a meth­od to his mad­ness, much like our own Poirot here! Remem­ber the case of the Hol­low, where the truth was hid­den beneath lay­ers of pretense?

Her­cule Poirot: Ah, my dear Hast­ings, one must not under­es­tim­ate the power of the little grey cells. With a touch of psy­cho­logy and my meth­od, the solu­tion may have presen­ted itself even more swiftly. How­ever, Mon­sieur Blanc’s the­at­ric­al flair cer­tainly added a cer­tain… je né sais quoi to the proceedings.

Chief Inspect­or Japp: And what of this detect­ive, Blanc? A bit unortho­dox, if you ask me. His meth­ods were… unconventional.

Miss Lem­on: Uncon­ven­tion­al, yes, but effect­ive in its own way. It brought a fresh per­spect­ive to the invest­ig­a­tion, much like when we face a case with entirely new cir­cum­stances. Remem­ber the time in Egypt, Poirot, when we had to adapt our meth­ods to the loc­al customs?

Cap­tain Hast­ings: I quite enjoyed it, Poirot. The sus­pense, the twists and turns, they kept me on the edge of my seat! And the detect­ive, Blanc, though uncon­ven­tion­al, had a cer­tain charisma.

Chief Inspect­or Japp: Well said, Poirot. It was a most enjoy­able even­ing, both the film and this exquis­ite din­ner. You’ve truly out­done your­self, my friend.

Miss Lem­on: Hear, hear! Everything, from the plot to the meal, has been excep­tion­al. You’ve recre­ated the ambi­ance of our most intriguing cases right here in your own home, Poirot.

Her­cule Poirot: Merci, my dear friends. Your kind words warm the heart of this humble detect­ive. It has been a pleas­ure to share this even­ing with such esteemed com­pany, remin­is­cing about our past adven­tures and explor­ing new ones on the sil­ver screen. This, mes amis, has been a soirée to remem­ber. C’est magnifique!



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