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Category: Blogging

  • Poirot discusses the movie Knives Out with his friends.

    A dinner party and a movie review. The famous Belgian detective and friends discuss Knives Out.

  • Aziz! Light!

    An AI chatbot leads me on a coding adventure that ultimately ends up ignoring all the work the AI did in the first place.

  • Bob tries out a new plane.

    Bob tries out a new plane on a short cross-country mid-winter flight into the Rockies. Things go wrong, but Bob prevails.

  • Space Debris Precautions for Launch — Considerations for a Safe Mission

    Precautions have been implemented to ensure safe space launches amidst the growing threat of space debris. These measures include advanced detection and avoidance technology, enhanced launch vehicle design, precise launch windows, orbital cleanup, and emergency protocols. By implementing these measures, we can mitigate the risks associated with the Kessler Syndrome and protect valuable assets in…

  • Have your friends pay you back directly with PayPal.Me

    Do you lend friends money, and they nev­er have cash to pay you back? Well PayP­al has cre­ated a tool that will help your friend pay you back through PayP­al; it’s called PayPal.Me Basic­ally you get a cus­tom URL at PayP­al (Mine’s if any­one feels like test­ing this) , that any­one with a PayP­al…

  • Testing a new plugin suite — Shortcake Bakery

    Short­cake Bakery uses the Short­cake plu­gin and extends use of Word­Press short­codes. Makes embed­ding con­tent in my blog pretty easy.   [face­book url=“”] The above video link from Face­book via the Short­cake Bakery. Last week, Daniel Bach­huber and the engin­eer­ing team at Fusion releasedShort­cake Bakery, a plu­gin that extends the Short­cake pro­ject to sup­ply a…

  • Testing Duet — an OS X display extender app for iPad

    You’ve prob­ably seen the online hype around Duet — an OS X dis­play extender app for iPad. Basic­ally it’s sup­posed to allow you to extend your cur­rent desktop screen to an iPad — just as if you had an extra mon­it­or. Oth­er apps already do this, but Duet’s claim to fame is it will extend…

  • Ello’s a thing, like the other thing, but more.

      You’ve prob­ably heard about Ello, a new, Face­book altern­at­ive that prom­ises to be ad free, and not sell your data. Sounds inter­est­ing, so I’m try­ing it out. Giv­en my recent obser­va­tions on Face­book — mostly that the stuff I share there isn’t really seen by my friends who fol­low me there, I thought I’d give…

  • Hammered

    And not the way you think. My blog (and oth­ers of my account asso­ci­ated with my attacked domain) was off­line for a bit. It seems that someone thinks it’s a good idea to ham­mer my web­host’s serv­ers try­ing to find vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies in their security. They selec­ted my domain again today. Prob­lem is fixed, but it’s…

  • Testing a newsletter. Want to help?

    Hey all, I’m test­ing out some news­let­ter soft­ware for Tess’s Steeped Tea con­sultancy and I’ve a favour to ask; I want to test it tonight but need warm bod­ies to receive it and offer feed­back 🙂 If you want to help, sign up here ( Feel free to unsub­scribe after the test, or if you…

  • On Flipboard

    EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled! So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing. Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away. What’s a FlipBoard? If you fol­low me on…

  • So. Google’s shutting down Google Reader

    Frankly I’d not thought about my RSS read­ing pro­cess in a while. I use NetVibes (pic­tured above) as my main read­er, and it’s been pretty stable up until today; they pos­ted a note say­ing they’re deal­ing with an influx of new mem­bers — likely emig­rants from Google Reader. I like NetVibes because it gives me…