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Testing a newsletter. Want to help?

Hey all, I’m test­ing out some news­let­ter soft­ware for Tess’s Steeped Tea con­sultancy and I’ve a favour to ask; I want to test it tonight but need warm bod­ies to receive it and offer feed­back 🙂 If you want to help, sign up here ( Feel free to unsub­scribe after the test, or if you…

Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 6.57.57 AMHey all, I’m test­ing out some news­let­ter soft­ware for Tess’s Steeped Tea con­sultancy and I’ve a favour to ask; I want to test it tonight but need warm bod­ies to receive it and offer feed­back 🙂 If you want to help, sign up here ( Feel free to unsub­scribe after the test, or if you can­’t (soft­ware fubar etc) then just let me know and I’ll remove you.

Ques­tions? Com­ments? Let me know!

And thanks for let­ting me ping you about this!

– Brad



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