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Tag: Business

  • Testing a newsletter. Want to help?

    Hey all, I’m test­ing out some news­let­ter soft­ware for Tess’s Steeped Tea con­sultancy and I’ve a favour to ask; I want to test it tonight but need warm bod­ies to receive it and offer feed­back 🙂 If you want to help, sign up here ( Feel free to unsub­scribe after the test, or if you…

  • Two words I thought I’d never see together: Library & Groupon

    I must say I’m rather proud of the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary — my loc­al lib­rary. They were one of the first in Canada to: offer free Wi-Fi to members, jump into social media, equip branches with self-check­out barscan­ners and RFID chip auto­mated checkin, allow online holds and media reservations, cre­ate a mobile lib­rary app, offer digit­al…

  • Interesting business model for eBook

    Earli­er this week I found an eBook over on Zen­Hab­its. The book looks inter­est­ing and I’m look­ing for­ward to giv­ing it a read, but the think that caught my eye was the busi­ness mod­el; you can get the book for free. The whole book, as a down­load­able eBook. Free. Now, there is a Premi­um ver­sion…

  • The Steve Jobs Way

    Tomor­row Apple will likely announce a new look and feel for the Mac­Book Air and an update (per­haps sig­ni­fic­ant) to their flag­ship oper­at­ing sys­tem, OSX. And once again, the real­ity dis­tor­tion field sur­round­ing Steve Jobs’ present­a­tions will be set to full power. It’ll be an inter­est­ing day, I’m sure. Espe­cially since Steve ripped into Google,…

  • Android, Blackberry or iPhone? Which is right for you.

    Earli­er today I dropped in to the CityTV’s Break­fast Tele­vi­sion set to chat about the three main types of data phones. Basic­ally we were look­ing at the data phones, and the types of people who each type of phone is best suited for — or not suited for 🙂 Here’s my notes from the early morn­ing chat:…

  • One way to Get Stuff Done [video]

    Anoth­er Fri­day and anoth­er video — this time deal­ing with time man­age­ment and organization. The video details how the fine folk at BlueSky­Fact­ory like to organ­ize their day and their work­load. Not exactly my cup of tea — I’m cur­rently exper­i­ment­ing with the Pomodoro sys­tem described by Tris Hus­sey on his blog. But it is…

  • If it’s everywhere, is it special?

    Once upon a time, not too long ago, in the lat­ter part of the last cen­tury — say the 60’s and 70’s, con­sum­ing media was clumsy and cum­ber­some. It seemed that you had to make a spe­cial appoint­ment with your hard­ware to listen to the latest band or show some friends your latest pho­tos. You…

  • Journalism and Big Media challenges for the future

    Last night I happened to catch the CBC Radio pro­gram Ideas. They were play­ing the 2009 Dalton Camp Lec­ture in Journ­al­ism delivered by ex CBC Journ­al­ist and cur­rent Wiki­me­dia Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or Sue Gardner. After a bit of an intro­duc­tion, she gets to the real meat of the mat­ter — how the busi­ness mod­els are work­ing…

  • Not iBooks. eBooks!

    eBooks are going to be big­ger than ever in the com­ing months, espe­cially since Apple’s recently announced its iBooks ebook store. It’s pure spec­u­la­tion on my part, but I’m think­ing that in the com­ing months with the launch of the iPad, iBooks will also be avail­able for the iPhone and iPod touch… …more This post…

  • This is the week that was

    Aside from the Box­ing Day Mad­ness, the peri­od between Christ­mas and the first work­ing day in the new year is pretty quiet, from a tech per­spect­ive. Yet this year, we did have a few ‘inter­est­ing’ things hap­pen in the tech world. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the…

  • This is the week that was

    The Pleth­ora of Presents edi­tion: Yep, it’s box­ing day, so I hope you’ve all received the gift’s you’ve wanted, ’cause you won’t find them here. Instead, I’ve got a gaggle of good­ies found around the inter­net; things that happened this past week both inter­est­ing and fun. …more This post is an excerpt from one of…

  • This is the week that was

    Hmmm, it’s start­ing to get a bit quiet out there — are the news gen­er­at­ors get­ting into ‘hunker down for the hol­i­days’ mode? …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.