Frankly I’d not thought about my RSS reading process in a while. I use NetVibes (pictured above) as my main reader, and it’s been pretty stable up until today; they posted a note saying they’re dealing with an influx of new members — likely emigrants from Google Reader.
I like NetVibes because it gives me a simple headline-in-a-tile view that makes it easy to quickly scan my news, and NetVibes manages my feed subscriptions.
This is where the pain will be felt by those using Google Reader when the big G shuts it down. Many 3rd party apps for mobile devices use Google Reader as the ‘subscription management’ feature of their app. When Google Reader closes on July 1, these apps will have to have in place some sort of replacement for subscription management, or they’ll break.
Update: If you’re looking to migrate your Google Reader subscriptions to NetVibes, the team at NetVibes have this handy guide. (Thanks Randy!)
For now, this won’t impact me or my newsreading habits, but as I mentioned at the top, I’m rethinking my RSS reading, and as Dave Weiner states, rethinking my use of Free when applied to services I’m coming to depend on.
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