Pickering vs Grado chapter two - Penny Lane. Image is a banner of two cartridges playing a record.

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Category: Opinion

  • Pickering vs Grado chapter two - Penny Lane. Image is a banner of two cartridges playing a record.

    Pickering vs Grado: Chapter two — Penny Lane

    This time we're looking at a Beatles classic for our cartridge comparison. Penny Lane from the Canadian pressing of 1967 - 1970. Which will sound better?

  • Pickering vs Grado: Chapter one — introduction, review, and listening to an old favourite

    Two cartridges. One vintage, the other new. Which sounds 'better'? What is better? I get to play with charts and audio stuff, and play cool tunes to YouTube! What's not to like. And maybe we find out a bit more about these two cartridges.

  • Don’t want to install employer’s Multi-Function Authentication app on your phone? Five reasons to support your position.

    In case you are looking for a few reasons beyond 'I just don't want to', which is fine, and a valid reason on its own. Here's more.

  • Team Tracy Mod — A Thunderbirds House Rules Modification

    We felt that these modifications allowed the entire Tracy family to participate in the game, as they usually do in the TV show. And by allowing the turn order to be flexible and responsive to the current situation, we felt it better reflected the TV show's theme of teamwork -- hence the name, the Team…

  • Testing Duet — an OS X display extender app for iPad

    You’ve prob­ably seen the online hype around Duet — an OS X dis­play extender app for iPad. Basic­ally it’s sup­posed to allow you to extend your cur­rent desktop screen to an iPad — just as if you had an extra mon­it­or. Oth­er apps already do this, but Duet’s claim to fame is it will extend…

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — iOS Photo Apps

    I tend to keep my pho­to­graphy over on iPad­Dark­room, but since I’m writ­ing about iOS photo apps that I’ve dis­covered or have dom­in­ated my work this year, it seemed fit­ting to look at apps that have influ­enced my photo work. You’ve likely seen some work cre­ated with these apps before, but they’re worth pro­fil­ing again as…

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — eBook Readers

    It’s that time of year again — the year is end­ing, com­ing to a close. And we often take time to look back at things we’ve done. In my case, I thought I’d look back at the iOS apps that have most engaged me over the last year. I’ll basic­ally select a ‘win­ner’ and a ‘run­ner…

  • Ello’s a thing, like the other thing, but more.

      You’ve prob­ably heard about Ello, a new, Face­book altern­at­ive that prom­ises to be ad free, and not sell your data. Sounds inter­est­ing, so I’m try­ing it out. Giv­en my recent obser­va­tions on Face­book — mostly that the stuff I share there isn’t really seen by my friends who fol­low me there, I thought I’d give…

  • Free online storage — what I’m doing now

    Back in 2012 I wrote about a few cloud stor­age options I was explor­ing. Well a few years have passed so I thought I’d update / annot­ate the old one. So here goes. New com­ments will be col­oured red. UPDATES Wow, anoth­er one today (Thursday, April 12, 2012). Log­MeIn has entered the ‘cloud stor­age space’…

  • Wot I’m playing this weekend.

    Want­ing to make ser­i­ous pro­gress on The Shad­ow Sun today. Some friends of mine from the Bioware days made this. Accord­ing to the reviews, it’s well worth pick­ing up. Pock­etTactics 4 stars Slide To Play 100% Digit­ally Down­loaded 90% Pock­et Gamer (France) 82% Espe­cially now that it’s dis­coun­ted to $7.99. 😀

  • iOS 7 Launch — A busy day today

    iOS 7 will be released later today, and I’m look­ing for­ward to it! Update: But first, a pub­lic ser­vice announce­ment. Don’t for­get to BACKUP YOUR DATA (thanks for the remind­er Ryan!) Here’s a great how-to from Apple’s sup­port site. From what I’ve seen, this update of the ven­er­able iOS oper­at­ing sys­tem will be the best yet, not…

  • Using your iOS device for offline navigation

    One of the coolest and pos­sibly the most expens­ive fea­ture of an iPhone or iPad is the maps / nav­ig­a­tion feature. On our recent vaca­tion to Maui, we wanted to have live maps, but not have to rack up expens­ive data to do it. A bit of Inter­net sleuth­ing turned up Pock­etEarth, a very cool…