My iOS App Picks for 2014 — iOS Photo Apps

I tend to keep my pho­to­graphy over on iPad­Dark­room, but since I’m writ­ing about iOS photo apps that I’ve dis­covered or have dom­in­ated my work this year, it seemed fit­ting to look at apps that have influ­enced my photo work. You’ve likely seen some work cre­ated with these apps before, but they’re worth pro­fil­ing again as…

I tend to keep my pho­to­graphy over on iPad­Dark­room, but since I’m writ­ing about iOS photo apps that I’ve dis­covered or have dom­in­ated my work this year, it seemed fit­ting to look at apps that have influ­enced my photo work.

You’ve likely seen some work cre­ated with these apps before, but they’re worth pro­fil­ing again as my picks because they’ve stood head-and-shoulders above the oth­er apps in the photo edit­or / fil­ter space.

So, on to the apps…

Photo Editing and Filter


A late entry into the iOS photo edit­ing cat­egory, Pixel­mat­or cap­tured my heart first on the Mac with it’s Pho­toshop-like edit­ing fea­tures at a non-Pho­toshop-like price point. Espe­cially cap­tiv­at­ing was the Repair tool, which is basic­ally an intel­li­gent erase brush that is con­tent aware — which means that you can eas­ily edit people out of your image, and have the shot look natural.

For example, this advert for Whist­ler, a ski resort in Alberta. Looks much bet­ter without the dis­tract­ing people, tram text and that one pine tree 🙂


As well, Pixel­mat­or has a host of oth­er fea­tures you’d expect to find in a high-end image edit­ing app — check out the video for more.

Down­load Pixel­maor iOS dir­ectly from the Apple App Store.


Honourable Mention


Occa­sion­ally you’ll come across an app the does one thing, but does it bet­ter than any oth­er app. Water­logue is that app for trans­form­ing your images into water colours.

Water­logue cap­tiv­ated me early this year. I spent many hours exper­i­ment­ing with it learn­ing that bright and light­er images ten­ded to work bet­ter than dark, that small images gave inter­est­ing brush-stroke res­ults. And that yes, when prin­ted on water col­our paper, the image did not disappoint.

Anoth­er option is to print on water col­our paper, then add your own brush strokes over it, to make the image truly unique.

If you’re look­ing for an altern­at­ive treat­ment to some of your images, then Water­logue is an app to explore.



Sunflowers and Fence

Fall colours at Black Nugget Lake





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