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The coolest indie video I’ve seen all year

Think Dis­trict 9, or Inde­pend­ence Day. But done for $300 by someone with a crap-load of tal­ent. In Uruguay. With Giant Robots! And now he’s got a movie deal: The pic­ture will be a sci-fi thrill­er set in Argen­tina and Uruguay. In case you’re hop­ing to see the fea­ture-length ver­sion of “Pan­ic Attack!” in a…

Think Dis­trict 9, or Inde­pend­ence Day. But done for $300 by someone with a crap-load of tal­ent. In Uruguay. With Giant Robots!

And now he’s got a movie deal:

The pic­ture will be a sci-fi thrill­er set in Argen­tina and Uruguay. In case you’re hop­ing to see the fea­ture-length ver­sion of “Pan­ic Attack!” in a movie theat­er, it won’t be from this deal. The newly min­ted “it” guy says he will start from scratch.

Thanks Gen for the heads up!


One response to “The coolest indie video I’ve seen all year”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: The coolest indie video I’ve seen all year — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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