Last week I had the honour of curating One Degree’s Week in Review. My contribution: Meltdowns, Monitizaton and Monks. The week in review: Friday the 13th edition, February 2009
Quick background: is one of Canada’s leading online publications about digital marketing, online communications and social media — penned by some of Canada’s most insightful and innovative internet marketers.
Now, what was interesting in this exercise was the fact that I had to gather a week’s worth of ‘interesting things’, keep them organized and ready for review and inclusion into the final article.
What made this process easier is that I set aside time to apply a system to this. It kept me organized and focused…no multi-tasking allowed. Here’s how I did it.
Scan lots of sources. In my case, I tracked trending topics on Twitter with TweetDeck (and it’s super-cool Twitscoop function), reviewed my regular Google Alerts on topics I’m interested in, Scanned my RSS feeds for interesting blog posts.
- Harvest the best items and add them to my bookmark stream, adding appropriate tags. In my case I used 1degree
- Repeat daily, or more often if needed
So, on Edit Day, I had a rather large list (60+ items) of bookmarks and other items to review and try and find a common theme or themes (for the title), build the submission and select appropriate categories.
At this point, it was easy to see common threads, themes and categories. Then it was a simple task, based on the number and frequency of similar items, to determine which made the submission.
All told, I likely spent 20–30 minutes each day collecting content. Then on Edit Day, it took me maybe 90 minutes to build the final article. All in, maybe 200 minutes total; 3+ hours.
Since this is the first time I’d applied this system, I’m thinking with practice and experience I’ll be able to bring that time down in future.

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