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Category: How to

  • PLEX Privacy Problem.

    At the begin­ning of Novem­ber 2023, PLEX enabled some new fea­tures that have turned out to be a bit of a PR and Pri­vacy nightmare. Basic­ally, they’ve star­ted email­ing all mem­bers of a PLEX serv­er with the recent view­ing habits of oth­er mem­bers of that serv­er. Even if the mem­bers don’t know each oth­er, PLEX…

  • Q. What’s the best way to add a new boot drive to a Windows 10 system, without losing too much of my installed configuration?

    Some steps to adding a new boot drive to an existing Windows 10 system.

  • Vintage Computing: Saving data to an audio device

    Back when the early days of per­son­al com­put­ing, you did your work on your com­puter and either prin­ted out the fin­ished work, or stored it to work on later. Early on, cas­sette tapes were the stor­age medi­um of choice as they cas­sette tape record­ers were com­monly avail­able, and reas­on­ably afford­able. Some com­puter sys­tem did have…

  • Better than Flappy Bird. Because Orbits!

    Yeah, Flappy Bird got old quick, but this little gem has me trapped in its grav­ity well (see what I did there?). Flappy Space Pro­gram, just like Flappy Bird, is simple. Click to launch your bird. Now, keep tap­ping to over­come grav­ity and launch your bird into orbit. Simple no? Ok, now add anoth­er bird. Then…

  • Paper pocket organizer inclined toward photographers

    Thought I’d take a moment and post a pock­et paper organ­izer (I know, me, and paper? How low tech!) I’ve been work­ing with. Basic­ally, some­thing to keep me on track, and write on when I quickly need to jot a note or something. Has the 2012 cal­en­dar which, if I remem­ber, I’ll update to 2013. To use,…

  • A book to tide me over until the next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend

    Last week­end was great fun as @tturbo and the rest of our years-old Guild Wars group jumped in to the most recent Beta Week­end event. But now the event is done, and the wait con­tin­ues for the *next* event, and I’m find­ing I need more of the world to explore. Behold! So ‘a man has said’…

  • Using your Android or iOS tablet as a second monitor

    As we’ve seen pre­vi­ously (The more screens, the bet­ter — Our guide to mul­tiple mon­it­ors ), hav­ing more screens to dis­trib­ute your desktop across can be a huge bene­fit to your com­put­ing experience. And as you’ll have noticed in the title, if you’ve got a tab­let, you can even bring it into the mix, as long…

  • #Winning on Friday the 13th

    Today is Fri­day the 13th. The only Fri­day the 13th of 2011 as it works out. This spe­cif­ic date has spe­cial sig­ni­fic­ance for me — and it has noth­ing to do with movies. Since Fri­day the 13ths occur so infre­quently, and are  some­what fam­ous, I use the day as a semi-ran­dom chance to get my digit­al…

  • Have you backed up your data today?

    Today is World Backup Day, I’m told, but to be frank, every day you should be think­ing about the safety of your data, there’s just too much of it that’s irreplaceable. So, today, I’m going to take a quick look at some of the backup sys­tems I use and have in place. Yes, I said…

  • How-To: Streaming stuff around your house

    In this increas­ingly wire­less world, it seems odd that it’s actu­ally kinda dif­fi­cult to get music or oth­er media from one device to another. In my case, I have pho­tos, movies and music all stored on a cent­ral stor­age device on my net­work — a Net­work Attached Stor­age device, or NAS. Get­ting to that media eas­ily…

  • Three essential PDF readers for iPad

    A while ago I wrote about ways to read PDF files on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Well that post is show­ing it’s age, so rather than com­pletely redo it, I thought I’d dis­cuss my cur­rent three top PDF read­ers, and why. GoodRead­er GoodRead­er is my first choice, go-to PDF read­er on my iPad. First off,…

  • It’s cold! Pamper your tech

    With the amount of gear I have around I’m sur­prised this does­n’t hap­pen to me more often. The weath­er in Edmon­ton has been rather cool of late, in the ‑20 to ‑30 degree range in fact. And today, since it’s warmed up to a reas­on­able ‑2, I decided to drive the car, rather than our oth­er,…