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Paper pocket organizer inclined toward photographers

Thought I’d take a moment and post a pock­et paper organ­izer (I know, me, and paper? How low tech!) I’ve been work­ing with. Basic­ally, some­thing to keep me on track, and write on when I quickly need to jot a note or something. Has the 2012 cal­en­dar which, if I remem­ber, I’ll update to 2013. To use,…

Thought I’d take a moment and post a pock­et paper organ­izer (I know, me, and paper? How low tech!) I’ve been work­ing with.

Basic­ally, some­thing to keep me on track, and write on when I quickly need to jot a note or something.

Has the 2012 cal­en­dar which, if I remem­ber, I’ll update to 2013.

To use, just fold on the lines. And cut on the dot­ted line in the centre.

Down­load the PDF here.


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