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Q. What’s the best way to add a new boot drive to a Windows 10 system, without losing too much of my installed configuration?

Some steps to adding a new boot drive to an existing Windows 10 system.

Q. What’s the best way to add a new boot drive to a Win­dows 10 sys­tem, without los­ing too much of my installed configuration?

A. Yes, you can cer­tainly add a lar­ger drive to your Win­dows 10 sys­tem if you are run­ning out of space on your cur­rent drive. In fact, upgrad­ing to a lar­ger drive can be a good way to improve per­form­ance and stor­age capacity.

Here are the steps to add a lar­ger drive to your Win­dows 10 system:

  1. Pur­chase a new lar­ger drive, such as an SSD or HDD.
  2. Con­nect the new drive to your com­puter using a SATA or USB cable.
  3. Open the Disk Man­age­ment tool by right-click­ing on the Start menu and select­ing “Disk Management.”
  4. Loc­ate the new drive in the Disk Man­age­ment tool and ini­tial­ize it.
  5. Cre­ate a new par­ti­tion on the new drive by right-click­ing on the unal­loc­ated space and select­ing “New Simple Volume.”
  6. Fol­low the prompts to format the new par­ti­tion and assign a drive letter.
  7. Use a disk clon­ing soft­ware to clone your cur­rent drive onto the new, lar­ger drive. Make sure to clone all par­ti­tions on your cur­rent drive, includ­ing the sys­tem partition.
  8. Shut down your com­puter and dis­con­nect the old drive.
  9. Restart your com­puter and enter the BIOS to ensure that the new drive is set as the primary boot device.
  10. If the new drive boots suc­cess­fully, you can format the old drive or keep it as a backup.

By fol­low­ing these steps, you can suc­cess­fully add a lar­ger drive to your Win­dows 10 sys­tem and trans­fer all of your files and applic­a­tions to the new drive.



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