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Category: HelpDesk

  • Q. What’s the best way to add a new boot drive to a Windows 10 system, without losing too much of my installed configuration?

    Some steps to adding a new boot drive to an existing Windows 10 system.

  • Show your parents you care — tech style

    It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...

  • Tech with family at the holidays

    This Christ­mas has prob­ably the most intens­ive tech-soaked hol­i­day peri­od I’ve had with friends and fam­ily. It was refresh­ing to see the ways that recent tech devel­op­ments have allowed us to enjoy the gath­er­ing, events, exper­i­ence and excite­ment. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log.…

  • Don’t forget your Tech Rescue Kit

    This time of year many of us travel home to vis­it fam­ily. If you’re the least bit of a tech­ie, you’ll likely be called in to help someone dia­gnose some sort of com­puter prob­lem — hope­fully not very ser­i­ous. But if Uncle Billy’s com­puter ‘just stopped work­ing’ and you know you’re going to be spend­ing…

  • Friday the 13th: Refuge in the backup

    Ok, it’s a lousy title for a movie, but it is a great remind­er to review and execute your data backup strategies, both at home and online. Why Fri­day the 13th? Simply, it’s a day-date com­bin­a­tion that hap­pens infre­quently, almost ad-hoc. When it does occur, you can eas­ily plan to take time out to per­form your…

  • How to synchronize your podcast feeds on many computers

    A friend recently asked me if I knew of a way to syn­chron­ize his pod­casts (using iTunes) on mul­tiple computers. Ini­tially I had no idea, but then I remembered Pod­Nova. Aside: I’ve since learned that iTunes sup­ports OPML import / export, but still think Pod­Nova is the bet­ter way to go — online cent­ral­ized repos­it­ory…