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Don’t forget your Tech Rescue Kit

This time of year many of us travel home to vis­it fam­ily. If you’re the least bit of a tech­ie, you’ll likely be called in to help someone dia­gnose some sort of com­puter prob­lem — hope­fully not very ser­i­ous. But if Uncle Billy’s com­puter ‘just stopped work­ing’ and you know you’re going to be spend­ing…

This time of year many of us travel home to vis­it fam­ily. If you’re the least bit of a tech­ie, you’ll likely be called in to help someone dia­gnose some sort of com­puter prob­lem — hope­fully not very ser­i­ous. But if Uncle Billy’s com­puter ‘just stopped work­ing’ and you know you’re going to be spend­ing an even­ing there, you can bet you’ll be asked to ‘just take a look at it, you’re so good with com­puters it won’t take you long to fig­ure it out.’ The next thing you know you’re plopped in front of the sys­tem, wait­ing for it to go through a vir­us laden bootup while wist­fully remem­ber­ing that hot rum toddy you left by the fire­place. …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.



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One response to “Don’t forget your Tech Rescue Kit”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Don’t for­get your Tech Res­cue Kit — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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