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Month: May 2007

  • Change or Die: The video

    Heh…Microsoft released this video that really illus­trates the ‘old mar­ket­ing’ philo­sophy of cus­tom­er rela­tion­ship man­age­ment. It rein­forced the point I was try­ing to make in this post. The Break UpUploaded by geertde­sager Tech­nor­ati Tags: Social Media, Advert­ising, Rela­tion­ships, Cus­tom­er Rela­tion­ship, Microsoft, Video

  • How to select the right social media network(s)

    With the recent launch of Mel­crum’s new social media site for com­mu­nic­a­tions pro­fes­sion­als, I’m begin­ning to really start eval­u­at­ing which net­works I asso­ci­ate myself with. There are many, and to fully par­ti­cip­ate in any of them does take time. And, like you, I’m a busy guy. Eval­u­at­ing each site based on my needs will show…

  • One new WordPress plugin adds tons of new blogging goodness.

    At the bot­tom of this, and every oth­er post on this site, you’ll now find a ‘Sphere: Related Con­tent’ link. Click it, and a friendly little popup will ping the Sphere serv­ers, and dis­play head­lines from the most rel­ev­ant con­tent that Sphere knows about…cool ‘eh? So give it a try, and let me know what you think! …

  • Taking the ‘Chris Brogan’ challenge

    Well, not really a chal­lenge, but more of an oppor­tun­ity to flesh out my About page a bit by adding to it in a format that Chris sug­gests. A Quick Sketch Bio­graphy of Brad Gri­erThe thing most people know me for is…likely my pas­sion for things tech­no­lo­gic­al. Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek; I…

  • My ‘I might be crazy’ goal: wake up at 5:00

    I’d read this cool post on the 10 Bene­fits of Rising Early, and How to Do It, and, after care­fully review­ing the sec­tion on how to do it, thought I’d give it a chance. Don’t make drastic changes. Start slowly, by wak­ing just 15–30 minutes earli­er than usu­al. Get used to this for a few days.…

  • Another great example of networking and self promotion via Twitter

    Earli­er this month I lis­ted 5 reas­ons why your boss will let you use Twit­ter at work, and here’s an excel­lent example of item one — Networking. Heidi Miller, Pod­cast­ing Prin­cess — host of the pod­cast Diary of a Shame­less Self-Pro­moter, is one of my friends on Twit­ter. I fol­low her, and a num­ber of…

  • Fast, free and effective Palm Pilot backup with NVBackup

    Earli­er this morn­ing I had des­paired; my Palm Pilot had fallen and could­n’t get up. It had crashed. Hard. I had to force a Hard Reset to even get it back to the fact­ory default condition. I’d lost my ebooks, sched­ule, con­tacts, everything. Sure, it was backed up on my com­puter, in a backup folder,…

  • Change or Die: How web tech is killing organizations

    Many dino­saurs roam the organ­iz­a­tion­al land­scape, com­pla­cent in their daily routine, unaware of a new threat to their exist­ence, one that will wipe them out if they don’t fig­ure out a way to evolve and adapt to embrace it. Hyper­bole aside, I’m talk­ing about social media, new media, com­munit­ies, or even Web 2.0, whatever you…

  • Blame Blizzard: Another productivity hit on the horizon with Starcraft II

    Yep, the rumours are true. Bliz­zard, the folks who bring the hugely addict­ive and par­od­ied World of War­craft to your desktop, are look­ing to grab even more of your pro­duct­ive time. This time, they’re dust­ing off the BEST real­time strategy game ever: Star­craft, updat­ing it, and releas­ing Star­craft II. Accord­ing to the FAQ: What is…

  • 5 reasons why your boss will let you use Twitter at work

    To quote Wiki­pe­dia: Twit­ter is a social net­work­ing and micro-blog­ging ser­vice that allows users to send “updates” (text-based posts, up to 140 char­ac­ters long) via SMS, instant mes­saging, the Twit­ter web­site, or an applic­a­tion such as Twitterrific. 140 char­ac­ters is not a lot of text, so gen­er­ally these updates are writ­ten in response to the …

  • Three cool things about attending an webinar online conference

    Tomor­row I’ll be spend­ing some time in, what can some­times be, meet­ing hell. I’ve got (actu­ally I booked it for my team) an online con­fer­ence to attend. If not man­aged prop­erly, or if you’re not the tar­get audi­ence for one of these, it’s a com­plete waste of time..and hence, meet­ing hell. But, if you are blessed…

  • Joost releases ‘Friends’ version to open up the ongoing beta test

    Amidst the recent news about Joost’s con­tent deals with Sony, Time Warner, the NHL and Has­bro, Joost has also popped open the pub­lic beta a little wider: They’ve launched the Joost Friends ver­sion. Pre­vi­ously, beta test­ers were occa­sion­ally giv­en invite tokens which they could hand to oth­ers, invit­ing them into the test. Now, with this upgrade,…