Month: May 2007
One new WordPress plugin adds tons of new blogging goodness.
At the bottom of this, and every other post on this site, you’ll now find a ‘Sphere: Related Content’ link. Click it, and a friendly little popup will ping the Sphere servers, and display headlines from the most relevant content that Sphere knows about…cool ‘eh? So give it a try, and let me know what you think! …
My ‘I might be crazy’ goal: wake up at 5:00
I’d read this cool post on the 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It, and, after carefully reviewing the section on how to do it, thought I’d give it a chance. Don’t make drastic changes. Start slowly, by waking just 15–30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to this for a few days.…
Fast, free and effective Palm Pilot backup with NVBackup
Earlier this morning I had despaired; my Palm Pilot had fallen and couldn’t get up. It had crashed. Hard. I had to force a Hard Reset to even get it back to the factory default condition. I’d lost my ebooks, schedule, contacts, everything. Sure, it was backed up on my computer, in a backup folder,…
Blame Blizzard: Another productivity hit on the horizon with Starcraft II
Yep, the rumours are true. Blizzard, the folks who bring the hugely addictive and parodied World of Warcraft to your desktop, are looking to grab even more of your productive time. This time, they’re dusting off the BEST realtime strategy game ever: Starcraft, updating it, and releasing Starcraft II. According to the FAQ: What is…