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Joost releases ‘Friends’ version to open up the ongoing beta test

Amidst the recent news about Joost’s con­tent deals with Sony, Time Warner, the NHL and Has­bro, Joost has also popped open the pub­lic beta a little wider: They’ve launched the Joost Friends ver­sion. Pre­vi­ously, beta test­ers were occa­sion­ally giv­en invite tokens which they could hand to oth­ers, invit­ing them into the test. Now, with this upgrade,…

Amidst the recent news about Joost’s con­tent deals with Sony, Time Warner, the NHL and Has­bro, Joost has also popped open the pub­lic beta a little wider: They’ve launched the Joost Friends ver­sion.

Pre­vi­ously, beta test­ers were occa­sion­ally giv­en invite tokens which they could hand to oth­ers, invit­ing them into the test.

Now, with this upgrade, cur­rent beta test­ers have an unlim­ited num­ber of friends invites.


Be part of the show

  • Chat with friends and oth­er fans while you watch
  • You’re the crit­ic — rate and debate the shows you love and hate
  • Build your own playl­ists and channels

So, if you’re inter­ested, let me know and I’ll do what I can to get an invite your way.

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15 responses to “Joost releases ‘Friends’ version to open up the ongoing beta test”

  1. Josh Crotzer Avatar
    Josh Crotzer

    Read about joost on new­s­week and heard about it on npr. Would like and invite.


  2. Desmond Hodgins Avatar
    Desmond Hodgins

    Good Morn­ing. I was just read­ing about joost on news. I’m a com­puter tech liv­ing in west­ern que­bec. I spend most of my time on the com­puter. I have been wait­ing for tv to come to the inter­net and would love to try the beta ver­sion of Joost. Any chance i can get an invite. Thanks

  3. andrei paul Avatar
    andrei paul

    Hi. I just heard about Joost and i‘m quite curi­ous to see it . Iwas won­der­ing if you could invite me.
    Best regards, Andrei

  4. Vivek Avatar

    Hi Guys,

    Can I get an invite please.


  5. Colin Avatar

    Hi — also keen to give it a try but does it run on non-intel based macs? I saw some­thing on the joost site sug­gest­ing it was only for PC’s and intel based macs.

    love an invite if possible.

  6. Mac Avatar

    Hi! Just heard about joost on NPR …came home …googled and found YOU !


    Can you hook me up?

    Thanks again .…I’ll try to share the love .



  7. Chris Asamoah Avatar
    Chris Asamoah

    Hi, hav­ing been read­ing and hear­ing a lot about Joost later,seems and sounds very interesting.Can you send me an invite?

  8. Silverboy Avatar

    Hey Brad,

    Came across your blog while doing some research on Joost. If you’ve got an invite to spare, I’d love to get hooked in.

    On a side note, I was check­ing out your Linked In pro­file and would­n’t mind get­ting in touch. I do some web work here in the city as well. Feel free to add me to your con­nec­tions — my email should come up with the posting.


  9. Brad Grier Avatar

    Ok, first batch of invites went out tonight…check your email y’all 🙂

  10. Willow Avatar

    Can I get an invite please? Heard about this on the radio… Thanks!

  11. olivier lachk france Avatar
    olivier lachk france

    How can i get an invit to con­nect joost.

    Thank you to answer.

  12. thelma Avatar

    can someone invite me for this pro­gramme. i’m really like to watch it too. please.. my email is invite me.

  13. Paul Avatar


    I’m a own­er of a fine Win­dows Media Cen­ter PC with a big 50 inch plasma screen attached to it. Since months I’m try­ing to get an invite for the joost plat­form, but without suc­cess! So could you please, please send me an invit­a­tion. I’m realy excited about this new pos­sib­ilties and would be very grate­ful if You could give me the chance to exper­i­ence this adventure.

    By the way, I’m liv­ing in the Neth­er­lands, the coun­try Joost is located.

    Kind regards,


  14. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey there, I’ve been get­ting to them as I receive them..Everyone up to Paul should have received invites by now. Paul, I’ll be get­ting to yours tonight or tomorrow.

  15. Rex King Avatar
    Rex King

    Hi Brad

    I’ve heard so much about the new joost tv, I would very much like to test this new soft­ware pro­gram, can you please send me an invite. I would be very glad to share also.

    Thanks a lot


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