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Taking the ‘Chris Brogan’ challenge

Well, not really a chal­lenge, but more of an oppor­tun­ity to flesh out my About page a bit by adding to it in a format that Chris sug­gests. A Quick Sketch Bio­graphy of Brad Gri­erThe thing most people know me for is…likely my pas­sion for things tech­no­lo­gic­al. Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek; I…

Well, not really a chal­lenge, but more of an oppor­tun­ity to flesh out my About page a bit by adding to it in a format that Chris sug­gests.

A Quick Sketch Bio­graphy of Brad Gri­er

The thing most people know me for is…

likely my pas­sion for things tech­no­lo­gic­al. Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek; I must be if I’ve hacked my Xbox­en into media centres, have built my wife a new com­puter, and am man­aging a Ubuntu serv­er farm as a hobby. And some people know me from the two cute girls I often hang out with 🙂

The people I asso­ci­ate the most with are¦

my wife, the neigh­bours, my geocach­ing group, cli­ents, past/present coworkers

People who have influ­enced my life are…
par­ents, wife, and a few select coworkers/mentors

One chal­lenge I took on and over­came was…
set­ting up and man­aging an E3 booth for a loc­al video games developer — and win­ning awards for it.

My early years, before you prob­ably got to know me were¦
filled with pho­to­graphy, tech­no­logy, tele­vi­sion (on the tech side). Go figure.

You might not know this, but ¦
I like air planes — warbirds.

I’m pas­sion­ate about¦
Social Media. It’s so cool when tech­no­logy can extend the con­ver­sa­tion, enabling new per­spect­ives and allow­ing par­ti­cipants who would­n’t nor­mally be part of the conversation.

In the next year or two, I hope to¦
get bet­ter at writ­ing & pho­to­graphy, expand my cli­ent base, have more fun!

All right, that’s my bio…what about yours? Post yours and like Chris, I’ll read it too…I’m always curi­ous who reads this stuff 🙂

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2 responses to “Taking the ‘Chris Brogan’ challenge”

  1. Chris Brogan... Avatar

    Cool bio! Can you talk more about the game booth? What will you do to make it an award win­ning booth? I loved your bio. War­birds. I don’t know enough by name to relate 100%, but I sure like them. Any par­tic­u­lar types or time­frames that appeal to you?

    Best to you,


  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Chris, thanks for stop­ping by 🙂

    Game booth: Game was Nev­er­winter Nights — developer BioWare. We had a 10×10 space in Ken­tia hall. 4 walls and a door. We set up two demo sta­tions, pro­ject­or, announ­cer sta­tion and 10 seats (with food/beer/etc) for the press. We ran it non stop for 3 days, 1 hour present­a­tions for press and fans. Close, per­son­al, intimate…everyone raved about the presentation.

    War­birds: I’m a Spit­fire fan, but pretty much any­thing from the 30s and 40s gets me going 🙂 Need more air­shows in this neck of the woods.


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