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Blame Blizzard: Another productivity hit on the horizon with Starcraft II

Yep, the rumours are true. Bliz­zard, the folks who bring the hugely addict­ive and par­od­ied World of War­craft to your desktop, are look­ing to grab even more of your pro­duct­ive time. This time, they’re dust­ing off the BEST real­time strategy game ever: Star­craft, updat­ing it, and releas­ing Star­craft II. Accord­ing to the FAQ: What is…

Yep, the rumours are true. Bliz­zard, the folks who bring the hugely addict­ive and par­od­ied World of War­craft to your desktop, are look­ing to grab even more of your pro­duct­ive time. This time, they’re dust­ing off the BEST real­time strategy game ever: Star­craft, updat­ing it, and releas­ing Star­craft II.

Accord­ing to the FAQ:

What is Star­Craft II?

Star­Craft II is the ulti­mate com­pet­it­ive real-time strategy game, and the sequel to the hit ori­gin­al, Star­Craft. The game will include three com­pletely dis­tinct and bal­anced races, the Pro­toss, Ter­ran, and Zerg, which have been over­hauled and re-ima­gined with a num­ber of new units for each, as well as new tricks for some of the clas­sic units that are returning.

When is the game com­ing out?

At this point, it’s too early to provide an ini­tial estim­ate on the release date. As with all Bliz­zard games, we will take as much time as needed to ensure the game is as fun, bal­anced, and pol­ished as possible.

How will Star­Craft II be dif­fer­ent from StarCraft?

Star­Craft II will run on a vibrant new 3D-graph­ics engine that will be cap­able of ren­der­ing beau­ti­ful land­scapes as well as massive indi­vidu­al units and army sizes.

We’re also intro­du­cing a num­ber of dis­tinct new units to the Pro­toss, Ter­ran, and Zerg, and even some of the famil­i­ar units that return in Star­Craft II will have new tricks up their sleeves, which will give the game its own unique flavor.

In addi­tion, will be over­hauled with some new and excit­ing fea­tures to enhance online play and com­pet­i­tion, while the story-mode cam­paign will also offer some unique aspects for play­ers who enjoy single-play­er con­tent. We’ll have more details on all these aspects in the months to come.

I can­’t wait. In fact, I just rein­stalled Star­craft on my PC to get back up to speed.

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