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Three cool things about attending an webinar online conference

Tomor­row I’ll be spend­ing some time in, what can some­times be, meet­ing hell. I’ve got (actu­ally I booked it for my team) an online con­fer­ence to attend. If not man­aged prop­erly, or if you’re not the tar­get audi­ence for one of these, it’s a com­plete waste of time..and hence, meet­ing hell. But, if you are blessed…

Tomor­row I’ll be spend­ing some time in, what can some­times be, meet­ing hell. I’ve got (actu­ally I booked it for my team) an online con­fer­ence to attend. If not man­aged prop­erly, or if you’re not the tar­get audi­ence for one of these, it’s a com­plete waste of time..and hence, meet­ing hell.

But, if you are blessed with an awe­some presenter and are into the con­tent, then they’re one of the best, cost effi­cient ways for you and your team to bene­fit from the know­ledge presented.

So here’s the three cool things about (don’t call the webinars, please) online conferences:

  1. Group learn­ing. This is cool because your entire team shares in the same learn­ing exper­i­ence, and should have the same con­text when try­ing to imple­ment any know­ledge gained. Ques­tions from the group can be queued through the present­a­tion soft­ware and answered by the presenter in the clos­ing Q&A session.
  2. Team build­ing. An online con­fer­ence is a great way to con­nect with dis­par­ate team mem­bers or col­leges who are not nor­mally part of your daily work.
  3. It’s not part of your reg­u­lar grind. A good online con­fer­ence can force you to drill down into one aspect of your work, often on a detail level that you don’t nor­mally get to when you’re simply execut­ing and mov­ing on to the next task. And these things are a great break from the reg­u­lar 9–5.

So, tomor­row I’ll be tak­ing these things to my con­fer­ence, one hos­ted by the CPRS on PR and Social Media. Since I’m inter­ested and in the tar­get audi­ence, this should be good!

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