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One new WordPress plugin adds tons of new blogging goodness.

At the bot­tom of this, and every oth­er post on this site, you’ll now find a ‘Sphere: Related Con­tent’ link. Click it, and a friendly little popup will ping the Sphere serv­ers, and dis­play head­lines from the most rel­ev­ant con­tent that Sphere knows about…cool ‘eh? So give it a try, and let me know what you think! …

At the bot­tom of this, and every oth­er post on this site, you’ll now find a ‘Sphere: Related Con­tent’ link.

Click it, and a friendly little popup will ping the Sphere serv­ers, and dis­play head­lines from the most rel­ev­ant con­tent that Sphere knows about…cool ‘eh?

So give it a try, and let me know what you think! 

Run a Word­Press blog? Then check out the plu­gin.

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One response to “One new WordPress plugin adds tons of new blogging goodness.”

  1. Tony Conrad Avatar

    thanks for the kind post and for adding our plug-in to your blog — much appreciated.


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