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Tag: Photography

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — iOS Photo Apps

    I tend to keep my pho­to­graphy over on iPad­Dark­room, but since I’m writ­ing about iOS photo apps that I’ve dis­covered or have dom­in­ated my work this year, it seemed fit­ting to look at apps that have influ­enced my photo work. You’ve likely seen some work cre­ated with these apps before, but they’re worth pro­fil­ing again as…

  • WeeklyBeats7 — Cold Night

    Cov­er for my latest sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats 2014. Wanted to go for an atmo­spher­ic sound again, some­thing more ambi­ent. Maybe this worked. Maybe not, but it came out as a com­plete unit. Also tried stick­ing to a small ‘band’. In this case used instru­ments from SampleTank: Blue Phaser elec­tric piano, Xpander Phat synth pad, Cos­mic…


    Thought I’d make a treat­ment of our ‘UNDERDOG’, Bog­art. The Under­dog concept came from a post by our CaliC­an Res­cue honcho, Rene. He was in a res­taur­ant in Cali­for­nia, on a trip to pick up a new pack of res­cues, and after explain­ing to the waiter why he was there, the waiter replied; ‘Thank you…

  • Still not using your iPhone for ‘serious’ photography?

    Earli­er this year I man­aged to catch the Cre­at­ive­Live iPhoneo­graphy Work­shop with Jack Hollings­worth — well worth my time. I learned a lot and saw how oth­ers use the iPhone as a cre­at­ive pho­to­graphy tool. Today I found this cool video by Jack Hollings­worth talk­ing about how his pho­to­graphy life was changed by the iPhone.…

  • Paper pocket organizer inclined toward photographers

    Thought I’d take a moment and post a pock­et paper organ­izer (I know, me, and paper? How low tech!) I’ve been work­ing with. Basic­ally, some­thing to keep me on track, and write on when I quickly need to jot a note or something. Has the 2012 cal­en­dar which, if I remem­ber, I’ll update to 2013. To use,…

  • 50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space

    NAS­A’s Image of the Day Gal­lery provided this cool infograph­ic show­ing Alan Shep­ard’s brief flight into space — Amer­ica’s first. It appeared magic­ally on my desktop cour­tesy of John’s Back­ground Switch­er — a cool win­dows desktop wall­pa­per applic­a­tion that man­ages and dis­plays many image sources.

  • A Photo Project, An Update, and a Contest?

    Ear­lier today the folks behind one of my favour­ite iOS dig­i­tal dark­room apps (FX Photo Stu­dio) announced a great new col­lab­o­ra­tive pho­tog­ra­phy app and pro­ject, in the form of a contest: As a ges­ture of appre­ci­a­tion to its loy­al fans, Mac­Phun is also devel­op­ing the first ever jointly col­lab­o­rated, free stand­alone wall­pa­per app that will…

  • I have a new blog! And a contest!

    Over the last little while you may have noticed I’ve become a bit iPad cent­ric. To be spe­cif­ic, I’ve been explor­ing using the iPad as a port­able, digit­al darkroom. Yes, the iPad does­n’t have a cam­era (for now, maybe in ver­sion 2?), but that should­n’t stop us from using it to manip­u­late images impor­ted into…

  • Woot! New Canon Rebel T3 cameras

    Last year around this time, Can­on intro­duced the Rebel T2i (also known as the EOS 550D). An awe­somely speced-out cam­era, as all the Rebel’s are, aimed squarely at the con­sumer Digit­al SLR and home video mar­ket — yes, the Rebel T2i was a true hybrid. Well, today Can­on reprised that tune with the announce­ment of…

  • FX Photo Studio is a great addition to your iPad Darkroom

    It seems that new photo cap­ture and edit­ing tools for Apple’s iOS devices are being released every day. Often they’re aver­age qual­ity tools avail­able for a buck.

  • Planespotting — hardcore! [video]

    Short doc­u­ment­ary on some very determ­ined avi­ation enthusiasts. [via]

  • Free photo app Instagram just got better

    The free and pop­u­lar instant pho­to­graphy shar­ing app for iOS, Ins­tagram, just pushed an update through — and it’s a nifty little update too! Aside from some bug fixes, two new fil­ters were added in the 1.0.7 update; Walden Hefe And one has been retrieved from the cut­ting room floor after a bit of a…