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A Photo Project, An Update, and a Contest?

Ear­lier today the folks behind one of my favour­ite iOS dig­i­tal dark­room apps (FX Photo Stu­dio) announced a great new col­lab­o­ra­tive pho­tog­ra­phy app and pro­ject, in the form of a contest: As a ges­ture of appre­ci­a­tion to its loy­al fans, Mac­Phun is also devel­op­ing the first ever jointly col­lab­o­rated, free stand­alone wall­pa­per app that will…

Ear­lier today the folks behind one of my favour­ite iOS dig­i­tal dark­room apps (FX Photo Stu­dio) announced a great new col­lab­o­ra­tive pho­tog­ra­phy app and pro­ject, in the form of a contest:

As a ges­ture of appre­ci­a­tion to its loy­al fans, Mac­Phun is also devel­op­ing the first ever jointly col­lab­o­rated, free stand­alone wall­pa­per app that will show­case user-sub­mit­ted pho­tographs edited with FX Photo Stu­dio and oth­er pho­tog­ra­phy iOS apps. With MacPhun’s sup­port, the app will pro­vide the ideal plat­form for aspir­ing artists and pho­tog­ra­phers to gain increased expo­sure for their work. To kick off the sub­mis­sion pro­cess, Mac­Phun will be hold­ing a two month pro­mo­tion on their Face­book page. Prizes include iTunes gift cards, photo print­ing gift vouch­ers and much more. For more infor­ma­tion on this con­test, please vis­it:

To help kick off this great idea, FX Photo Stu­dio & FX Photo Stu­dio HD have been updated to iOS 4.3 and now include a new fil­ter cat­e­gory, Sketches:

Mac­Phun has col­lab­o­rated with estab­lished artists from North Amer­ica and Europe to cre­ate a new “sketches” cat­e­gory. The newly added cat­e­gory con­sists of six car­toon-styled fil­ters pro­vid­ing users with a total of 187 fil­ters to mix, match and share with friends. The addi­tion of more pre­cise tun­ing con­trols for con­trast­ing, adjust­ing hues and sharp­en­ing fil­ters, pro­vide even more unequiv­o­cal tools to users, mak­ing one of the most use­ful image edit­ing apps on the mar­ket, even better.

And to make it even eas­ier for new iPhone and iPad2 pho­tog­ra­phers, FX Photo Stu­dio and FX Photo Stu­dio HD will both be dis­counted to $0.99 and $1.99, respec­tively, for a very lim­ited time.
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