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Tag: contest

  • A Photo Project, An Update, and a Contest?

    Ear­lier today the folks behind one of my favour­ite iOS dig­i­tal dark­room apps (FX Photo Stu­dio) announced a great new col­lab­o­ra­tive pho­tog­ra­phy app and pro­ject, in the form of a contest: As a ges­ture of appre­ci­a­tion to its loy­al fans, Mac­Phun is also devel­op­ing the first ever jointly col­lab­o­rated, free stand­alone wall­pa­per app that will…

  • Calling All Scientists — Google Science Fair Entry Deadline Looms

    Well there’s only 5 days left (as I write this) for stu­dents world-wide com­plete their exper­i­ments, write-up their sum­mar­ies, and cre­ate their sup­port­ing video (or slide present­a­tion) for entry into the Google Sci­ence Fair ( I’m really look­ing for­ward to see­ing the cre­ativ­ity shown in these entries — espe­cially any that relate to liv­ing in a…

  • I have a new blog! And a contest!

    Over the last little while you may have noticed I’ve become a bit iPad cent­ric. To be spe­cif­ic, I’ve been explor­ing using the iPad as a port­able, digit­al darkroom. Yes, the iPad does­n’t have a cam­era (for now, maybe in ver­sion 2?), but that should­n’t stop us from using it to manip­u­late images impor­ted into…

  • And we have a winner…

    This week­end was a busy one with the reg­u­lar life stuff, as well as draw­ing a win­ner for the Palm Pre 2 giveaway con­test. Through a rigirous and exact­ing pro­cess of fil­ter­ing new fol­low­ers review­ing tweets, and gen­er­at­ing a ran­dom num­ber a ran­dom num­ber of times — the win­ner of the Palm Pre 2, Touch­stone…

  • 5 days left to win a webOS 2.0 powered Palm Pre 2 phone!

    Well then, think there’s enough rel­ev­ant keywords in that post title? 😀 Good, because I really do want to make sure this little phone goes to a good home. WebOS2 is a funky little OS, and hard­ware run­ning it is very slick. So why not take a chance and enter the con­test — who knows, you could soon…

  • I’m giving away a Palm Pre 2

    Time for anoth­er Life­style Tech­no­logy giveaway con­test — and this time the prize is one very cool Palm Pre 2 and a few accessor­ies, worth around $500.00. 😀 Over the last few weeks I’ve had a chance to put the Palm Pre 2 through it’s paces and found it to be a sol­id smart­phone. And…

  • Everyone’s a winner

    It’s been a bit longer than I’d wanted, but I’ve finally got­ten to wrap­ping up my first blog con­test. The premise was simple; tell me a backup hor­ror story and you could win a Click­free Trans­former SE backup sys­tem. And some of you did tell me some pretty good stories. Here’s some excerpts: On Ver­sion­ing:…

  • Spring’s on its way. Backup now — before you’re too busy.

    I’ve writ­ten a lot about back­ing up your data over the years. But even though backups are import­ant, some­how they’re always 2nd or 3rd on the pri­or­ity list. ‘Some­thing to do when I get time’. And as Spring approaches, time is one thing that there’s going to be less of as pri­or­it­ies shift from inside…