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WeeklyBeats7 — Cold Night

Cov­er for my latest sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats 2014. Wanted to go for an atmo­spher­ic sound again, some­thing more ambi­ent. Maybe this worked. Maybe not, but it came out as a com­plete unit. Also tried stick­ing to a small ‘band’. In this case used instru­ments from SampleTank: Blue Phaser elec­tric piano, Xpander Phat synth pad, Cos­mic…

Cov­er for my latest sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats 2014. Wanted to go for an atmo­spher­ic sound again, some­thing more ambi­ent. Maybe this worked. Maybe not, but it came out as a com­plete unit. Also tried stick­ing to a small ‘band’. In this case used instru­ments from SampleTank: Blue Phaser elec­tric piano, Xpander Phat synth pad, Cos­mic Pad synth pad, and Min­im­oog echo 2 synth lead.

Also brought in some Abstract Atmo­sphere 50 from Gar­age­band — which I used as my DAW.

Image is from some­thing I took out the win­dow a bunch of years ago. Loved the light pil­lars in the minus 40 weather. 


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