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50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space

NAS­A’s Image of the Day Gal­lery provided this cool infograph­ic show­ing Alan Shep­ard’s brief flight into space — Amer­ica’s first. It appeared magic­ally on my desktop cour­tesy of John’s Back­ground Switch­er — a cool win­dows desktop wall­pa­per applic­a­tion that man­ages and dis­plays many image sources.

Loving the way today's NASA image of the day looks on my desktop.

NAS­A’s Image of the Day Gal­lery provided this cool infograph­ic show­ing Alan Shep­ard’s brief flight into space — Amer­ica’s first.

It appeared magic­ally on my desktop cour­tesy of John’s Back­ground Switch­er — a cool win­dows desktop wall­pa­per applic­a­tion that man­ages and dis­plays many image sources.


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