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Oldschool Awesome — Sword and Sworcery brings it!

With an allu­sion to a massive psy­cho­lo­gic­al exper­i­ment, the new Super­broth­ers Role Play­ing Game release, Sword & Swor­cery, brings a new / old 8bit look to iPad gam­ing. Oh, and the game can integ­rate with your Twit­ter account, extend­ing the game­play into the Social Media world.  While I down­load the app and start play­ing (for an…


With an allu­sion to a massive psy­cho­lo­gic­al exper­i­ment, the new Super­broth­ers Role Play­ing Game release, Sword & Swor­cery, brings a new / old 8bit look to iPad gam­ing. Oh, and the game can integ­rate with your Twit­ter account, extend­ing the game­play into the Social Media world. 

While I down­load the app and start play­ing (for an upcom­ing review, of course), why don’t you check out this video and then read this excel­lent inter­view with the game’s cre­at­or / artist / anim­at­or, Craig D. Adams.

Audi­ence Cal­ib­ra­tion Pro­ced­ure from Super­broth­ers: Sword & Swor­cery on Vimeo.

Oh, almost for­got — it’s a Made in Canada game 🙂 or Art Pro­ject. Something.

Update: Cur­rently iPad only, though an iPhone ver­sion is in the works.


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