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Tag: Player

  • Unleash your inner Spielberg

    I’m sure all of us have, at one point or anoth­er, dreamed of releas­ing that movie dir­ect­or deep inside, and mak­ing our own movie, com­plete with music and spe­cial effects. Well, if your dream is to make one that hearkens back to the golden days of silent cinema, then I’ve got an inex­pens­ive app for you.…

  • Oldschool Awesome — Sword and Sworcery brings it!

    With an allu­sion to a massive psy­cho­lo­gic­al exper­i­ment, the new Super­broth­ers Role Play­ing Game release, Sword & Swor­cery, brings a new / old 8bit look to iPad gam­ing. Oh, and the game can integ­rate with your Twit­ter account, extend­ing the game­play into the Social Media world.  While I down­load the app and start play­ing (for an…

  • My most anticipated game of 2011 [Video]

    I loved Portal. It was a chal­len­ging, enter­tain­ing and darkly humour­ous puzzle game in a First Per­son Shoot­er style. And later this month, Valve will release Portal 2. Yes, it’s more Fun, with Science! Basic­ally, you have a gun that cre­ates a port­able hole that is a gate­way to anoth­er port­able hole. The Blue-ringed hole is…

  • iPad and iPhone used in Christmas Concert

    I’m always a suck­er for iPad and iPhone ‘instru­ment’ videos, so here’s anoth­er — an iBand per­form­ing at a com­munity church.  North Point’s iBand from North Point Web. Though the instru­ments are vir­tu­al, the musi­cian­ship is real. Well done!

  • I read the news today (oh boy)

    If you’ve been without power and not heard the news today, The Beatles music lib­rary is now avail­able from Apple’s iTunes store for down­load. Joy. No, I’m not overly enthused by this, as I already own digit­al cop­ies of all the Beatles music that I’m inter­ested in. I bought them on CD years ago, and…

  • Did the Monkey steal the crown?

    Last year I del­cared Song­bird, the multi-plat­form media play­er and organ­izer the Best Music Play­er Ever. Now, there’s a chal­lenger for the title, at least in the Win­dows / PC arena; Media­Mon­key. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Mama’s got a Squeezebox

    When I was offered a chance to review the Logit­ech Squeeze­box Radio, I believe my exact response was ‘hell yeah!’, because this thing exem­pli­fies a geek gad­get. But wait, it looks like an appli­ance… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full…

  • Best music player ever. Songbird 1.1.1 now with watched folders.

    I’ve writ­ten before about Song­bird, the free, open-source music play­er based on the Moz­illa / Fire­Fox platform. Basic­ally Song­bird rocks. Well, now there’s extra-new-and-improved Song­bird good­ness as the update was released this even­ing, with the one sig­ni­fic­ant fea­ture it’s been lack­ing up ’till now — the ‘Watched Folder’ feature. To quote from the song­bird release email:…

  • Songbird solves my multi-multimedia player dilemma

    Between home and work, I have vari­ous Win­dows, Linux and Macin­tosh com­puters. I cent­ral­ize my media on a Net­work Attached Stor­age (NAS) device, access­ible by all. As you can ima­gine, I use dif­fer­ent media play­ers on all. My biggest hurdle has been con­sist­ency in user exper­i­ence. I’ve had to run iTunes on the Mac, Win­amp, FooBar2000…