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More ways to get rid of your old tech.

A while ago I wrote about dis­pos­ing of tech you no longer need or use. And today I found a very cool tool that will help you sell off your used gear for a fair price. Bonus points, it’s got a funky name; Worth Mon­key. Worth Mon­key works by: “…by search­ing data all over inter­net regard­ing…


A while ago I wrote about dis­pos­ing of tech you no longer need or use. And today I found a very cool tool that will help you sell off your used gear for a fair price. Bonus points, it’s got a funky name; Worth Mon­key.

Worth Mon­key works by:

search­ing data all over inter­net regard­ing the cur­rent ask­ing price and
selling price of the used goods you’re look­ing for. It then brings back
all of that data and per­forms cal­cu­la­tions on each piece and on the
data as a whole, giv­ing you the aver­age low, middle, and high price of
the product. As an added treat, it also shows you where you can purchase
that product for the highest aver­age price or lower, lever­aging your
pur­chas­ing options and sav­ing you time and money. “

I’ve nev­er really been a fan of using online auc­tion sites to sell off my stuff, as I’ve nev­er really be able to gauge the value of the item, and have always put in a lot of effort list­ing my tech — and felt I’ve not recouped that value.

Using Worth Mon­key, I think I’ve got a bet­ter handle on the value of my stuff, which will help me decide if it’s worth my time to try and sell it, or just send it off for recycling.

For example, I have an old Palm T|X gath­er­ing dust in my closet. Worth Mon­key gen­er­ated the above chart, and even some embed code which cre­ates a wid­get that lets me ‘val­id­ate’ that the price I’m ask­ing is fair in the cur­rent market.

Yep, I can see this little tool help­ing me come spring clean­ing time 🙂 Worth Mon­key is cur­rently in beta, but you can use the app and sign up for free. Here’s the ‘offi­cial com­pany line’ video with more information.

What is Worth­Mon­key? from Worth Mon­key, Inc. on Vimeo.

This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff here.


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