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Tag: future shop

  • New smart Wi-Fi Router review part three — Linksys EA4500

    This post will wrap up my three-part series the latest offer­ings from Cisco / Link­sys. If you want to check them out, part one looks at the Link­sys EA2700, part two looks at the Link­sys EA3500, and today we’ll take a boo at the Link­sys EA4500, the top of the line entry in the EA-Series.

  • New smart Wi-Fi Router review part two — Linksys EA3500

    This week we’re going to look at the second router in my three-part series on the latest offer­ing from Cisco / Link­sys, and for this post we’re going to step it up a notch with the Link­sys EA3500, tar­geted at folks with slightly more soph­ist­ic­ated net­work needs. If you haven’t read my pre­vi­ous post on the EA2700,…

  • Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!

    I love it when coin­cid­ence and syn­ergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earli­er this week, Seth God­in lead us through the his­tory of the Lib­rary and the Lib­rar­i­an. In his post, he even­tu­ally settled on the some­what alarm­ing concept that the Lib­rary was basic­ally dead: Wiki­pe­dia and the huge databanks…

  • #Winning on Friday the 13th

    Today is Fri­day the 13th. The only Fri­day the 13th of 2011 as it works out. This spe­cif­ic date has spe­cial sig­ni­fic­ance for me — and it has noth­ing to do with movies. Since Fri­day the 13ths occur so infre­quently, and are  some­what fam­ous, I use the day as a semi-ran­dom chance to get my digit­al…

  • Review: Drobo FS Network Storage Array

    Wow, that title’s a mouth­ful — Net­work Stor­age Array — but don’t let that tech­nic­al-jar­gony sound­ing term scare you, this Drobo FS device is really as easy to use as your Fridge. And for me, that’s a Holy Grail — some­thing that you use and basic­ally for­get the complexity. Whut? But let me back up…

  • Unleash your inner Spielberg

    I’m sure all of us have, at one point or anoth­er, dreamed of releas­ing that movie dir­ect­or deep inside, and mak­ing our own movie, com­plete with music and spe­cial effects. Well, if your dream is to make one that hearkens back to the golden days of silent cinema, then I’ve got an inex­pens­ive app for you.…

  • Have you backed up your data today?

    Today is World Backup Day, I’m told, but to be frank, every day you should be think­ing about the safety of your data, there’s just too much of it that’s irreplaceable. So, today, I’m going to take a quick look at some of the backup sys­tems I use and have in place. Yes, I said…

  • Apple vs the App Developers

    Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten about the impend­ing launch of Gar­age Band for iPad, and men­tioned how Apple’s release of this app will chal­lenge smal­ler inde­pend­ent app developers in the music cre­ation space. Today’ I’m at it again. With yes­ter­day’s release of iOS 4.3, it seems that Apple has again taken a bite out of a developer­’s rev­en­ue…

  • Did Apple just kill a small part of the music industry?

      Ever since the iPhone and iPod Touch caught the atten­tion of developers of developers with an interest in music, there have been music apps in the iTunes App store. With yes­ter­day’s announce­ment of Gar­age Band for iPad these smal­ler niche developers could be chal­lenged by the vast devel­op­ment resources Apple can bring to bear. Gar­age Band iPad…

  • It’s cold! Pamper your tech

    With the amount of gear I have around I’m sur­prised this does­n’t hap­pen to me more often. The weath­er in Edmon­ton has been rather cool of late, in the ‑20 to ‑30 degree range in fact. And today, since it’s warmed up to a reas­on­able ‑2, I decided to drive the car, rather than our oth­er,…

  • Looking for a smart phone? Consider the Palm Pre 2. Seriously.

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been check­ing out the Palm Pre 2 — the next gen­er­a­tion key­board / touch screen data­phone from HP. Pre­vi­ously I’d not con­sidered a webOS phone much of a con­tender against the tra­di­tion­al lead­ers (Black­berry and iPhone), but this little unit changed my mind. In this review, I’ll touch on the…

  • DOS on the iPad? There’s an app for that.

    [UPDATE — looks like Apple has pulled it from the app store again] I’ve got a rather strange, yet fam­ily friendly habit — I tend to col­lect com­puter emu­lat­ors; soft­ware writ­ten for hard­ware, that acts like older hard­ware in order to run older software. With me so far? Over the last few years, Apple has been slowly…