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Simple update adds iPhone style to your blog

Yes­ter­day I installed the WPTouch plu­gin on this blog. Basic­ally it’s a Word­Press theme that reformats your blog so it’s much more read­able on mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPod Touch). Full list of fea­tures here. More than just a plu­gin, WPtouch is an entire theme pack­age for your Word­Press web­site. Modeled after Apple’s app store…

Yes­ter­day I installed the WPTouch plu­gin on this blog. Basic­ally it’s a Word­Press theme that reformats your blog so it’s much more read­able on mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPod Touch). Full list of fea­tures here.

More than just a plu­gin, WPtouch is an entire theme pack­age for your Word­Press web­site. Modeled after Apple’s app store design specs, WPtouch makes your Word­Press web­site load light­ning fast on touch mobile devices, show your con­tent beau­ti­fully, all while not inter­fer­ing with your reg­u­lar theme.

In prac­tice, it’ll take a blog laid out like this (thanks to Thes­is):

And make it look like this:

Bonus: WPTouch also includes hooks for web­site traffic ana­lyt­ic pack­ages, as well as Adsense mobile accounts, so you won’t miss out mon­et­iz­ing your mobile web­site traffic.


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