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Tag: Wordpress

  • Testing a new plugin suite — Shortcake Bakery

    Short­cake Bakery uses the Short­cake plu­gin and extends use of Word­Press short­codes. Makes embed­ding con­tent in my blog pretty easy.   [face­book url=“”] The above video link from Face­book via the Short­cake Bakery. Last week, Daniel Bach­huber and the engin­eer­ing team at Fusion releasedShort­cake Bakery, a plu­gin that extends the Short­cake pro­ject to sup­ply a…

  • WordPress blogging on an iPad just got easier

    Earli­er today, Word­Press released ver­sion 2.7 of their iOS blog­ging cli­ent. And I’m happy to say it works well so far, though I’ve only giv­en it a very simple workout. Pre­vi­ously I’d tried the Word­Press app but had a num­ber of prob­lems pub­lish­ing from it, ran­dom crash­ing etc. So I nuked it from orbit —…

  • Saving the Internet, one plugin at a time

    Well, a few posts ago I men­tioned that I’d taken steps to speed up this blog. Here’s a Ping­dom response time graph show­ing how fast slow this blog was, before I pulled a few plugins. And here’s what it looks like today. So, accord­ing to these res­ults, the blog is faster. And what I’d done was­n’t…

  • How to make your WordPress blog mobile friendly

    Earli­er this week (the free blog host­ing site) announced that they’re includ­ing two new mobile friendly tem­plates in their offer­ing. This is abso­lutely awe­some. I say this from the per­spect­ive of a iPod Touch own­er who often surfs blogs on the device. The more mobile friendly web­sites get, the more people will be able…

  • Simple update adds iPhone style to your blog

    Yes­ter­day I installed the WPTouch plu­gin on this blog. Basic­ally it’s a Word­Press theme that reformats your blog so it’s much more read­able on mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPod Touch). Full list of fea­tures here. More than just a plu­gin, WPtouch is an entire theme pack­age for your Word­Press web­site. Modeled after Apple’s app store…

  • In Transition — as the page says

    Due to a monu­ment­al FUBAR between my web­site host, serv­er restric­tions, and some resource-heavy word­press plu­gins, is cur­rently without a home. All is not lost: I have a backup of the site, con­tent, posts, com­ments etc I retain my domain names etc I have a boat-load of work ahead of me as I research and rebuild Les­sons learned:…