I recently bought an iPod Touch to replace my very cool, yet aging Palm T|X. The iPod Touch doesn’t yet ‘fit me like a glove’ but I’m sure after time it will, and I’ll document my experiences with it here.
Previously I’d written that I was rather unimpressed with the ‘WiPod’ as I called it then. The feature set looked limited and the price was rather high.
My how much difference a year and a half makes. This is a very functional device that I’m beginning to really appreciate.
But today, I thought I’d share my five favourite iPhone / iPod Touch applications. Even though I’ve had mine under a month, be assured that I’ve been scouring the iTunes Applications store over that month. You may not agree with me, or maybe I’ve missed YOUR must-have application; please let me know in the comments below.
But, since I found that app store so handy, it has to be the first application on my list:
- The iTunes Application Store: Here’s where you purchase your iPhone & iPod Touch applications. The store is searchable, and breaks the available applications down by categories, as well as ranking them by popularity and ‘new-ness’. But you don’t have to spend a lot to get more functionality on your device; many applications are only $0.99 (in your local currency!). And, there are often ‘lite’ free versions available too. A must have application, and since it’s shipped with your device, you’ve no reason to not explore it further.
- Flight Control: Currently one of the hottest casual games for the iPhone & Touch. Deceptively simple…aircraft appear at the edge of your screen; simply touch them and drag a ‘flight path’ to guide them to a safe landing on the appropriate runway. But wait,another plane has appeared, and now another! As you can guess, your airspace quickly gets complex. A very simple game to play, but much more difficult to master. Well worth the $0.99 it’s currently priced at.
- Evernote: A very cool application that mates up with the PC/Mac partners. Basically, Evernote lets you clip anything to an online storage vault. You can then view your docs via any browser, or through OS specific desktop applications. Unlike social bookmarking sites such as Del.icio.us, Evernote actually clips the web page, preserving the state of the page at the time it was clipped. A rather generous free account is available, as well as a paid one offering more storage capacity.
- Google Apps: Since I tend to do a lot of my work ‘in the cloud’ Google Apps is the application suite for me. The iPhone / iPod Touch implementation is quite effective at getting me access to my ‘office suite’ of tools. Mostly I use it to display and review documents I’ve created and stored there. Since it’s browser based, it uses Safari, which is great for displaying and manipulating text, but is a pain for text entry.
- Safari: The default browser. For me this is an essential tool, for what is the point of being connected and not being able to surf the web? The browser works as expected. Depending on which orientation you hold the device on, pages can be rather tiny, but a simple multi-touch zoom makes them easily readable. But don’t get me started on keyboard entry for passwords and other logins…I must have fat fingers as I’m always mis-typing my logins. For text entry, it’s barely functional. I hope the recently announced 3.0 OS upgrade will address this.
Given that I’ve got over 70 apps currently installed, and I appear to have a voracious appetite to download and try out new ones, I’m sure I’ll be making another post like this one in the future.
Now these are just my current top five. What have I missed? What are your favourite iPhone apps? Please add yours in the comments section…I’m always looking for something new to download and play with 🙂
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