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wiPod: the next big thing?

 If you man­aged to catch the news today, the twit­ter-sphere was abuzz with it, Apple is freshen­ing its product line in pre­par­a­tion for this upcom­ing hol­i­day sales season.   As vari­ous pun­dits both at the Apple event and mon­it­or­ing it remotely twittered away, it seemed that Steve Jobs was at his best, once again, in front…

 If you man­aged to catch the news today, the twit­ter-sphere was abuzz with it, Apple is freshen­ing its product line in pre­par­a­tion for this upcom­ing hol­i­day sales season.

  As vari­ous pun­dits both at the Apple event and mon­it­or­ing it remotely twittered away, it seemed that Steve Jobs was at his best, once again, in front of a crowd of the con­ver­ted. Gotta love live blog­ging and twitter.

What’s new in the Apple cata­logue for this sea­son?  How about an iPod Nano that includes video.

Or, how about this cool thing: the iPod Touch (or as some are call­ing it, the wiPod): an Apple iPhone without the phone.

It looks inter­est­ing; only the deluxe for me:

  • 16gb on board memory 
  • 320 x 480 display 
  • 802.11 b/g wi-fi 
  • A bunch more stuff
  • $399.00 USD


For me, the wiPod isn’t that big a deal. I’m able to do most everything it can with my trusty Palm T|X. Sure, Blazer, the default TX browser is dated and needs updat­ing to handle AJAX, stream­ing video, etc. Also, an applic­a­tion that prop­erly syncs to Google Cal­en­dar would be appre­ci­ated. But to dump this and get a wiPod now is not in my cards.

But, should the bat­tery die or the sys­tem brick, you can bet I’d be con­sid­er­ing the iPod Touch as a replacement.

*** UPDATE ***

I recently went through some of the pros/cons of upgrad­ing from a Palm T|X to the Apple iPod Touch:

Down­sides: Battery…replaceable by apple. TX has to be unscrewed to be opened and replaced.
No expan­sion cards…TX can take up to 2 GB. Swap music and files by using more cards.
iTunes: must use it to copy music and video to the unit. 16GB is not enough when you have lots of video and pod­casts.
Price…have to buy one. 

Upsides: It’s an Apple. Styl­ish. Cool. Screen is same size as TX. Plays more video formats. New product at the begin­ning of it’s devel­op­ment life­cycle, TX is near it’s end.
Price…own one.







3 responses to “wiPod: the next big thing?”

  1. Viajero Perdido Avatar

    Brad, the next time we meet I’ll have to show off my Nokia N800. You may just fall in love with it.

    It’s got a gor­geous 800×480 screen, Opera browser with Flash, memory expand­able to 8 (or is it 16?) GB, and unlike the Palm TX it comes out of the box work­ing. It uses stand­ard Nokia bat­ter­ies, but not the ones that were just recalled. And it looks pretty darn cool, if I may say so.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    I’ve heard of that gad­get. And yep, I’d love to check it out. You tend to find cool stuff that inspires me (remem­ber your Panason­ic Lumix?).

  3. […] I’d writ­ten that I was rather unim­pressed with the ‘WiPod’ as I called it then. The fea­ture set looked lim­ited and the price was rather […]

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