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Tag: touch

  • Apple just made my iPod Touch even more useful — not

    Today Apple (well, Steve Jobs) announced a num­ber of things at WWDC (Apple’s World Wide Developer­’s Conference). The one caught my atten­tion  was the announce­ment of iOS4 — the oper­at­ing sys­tem pre­vi­ously known as iPhone OS. Sure, there was a new iPhone, and a bunch of oth­er stuff, but I have an iPod Touch (2nd…

  • 5 favourite iPhone & iPod Touch applications

    I recently bought an iPod Touch to replace my very cool, yet aging Palm T|X. The iPod Touch does­n’t yet ‘fit me like a glove’ but I’m sure after time it will, and I’ll doc­u­ment my exper­i­ences with it here. Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten that I was rather unim­pressed with the ‘WiPod’ as I called it then.…