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Category: Featured

  • Instructable: Arduino Keyboard Joystick Extender Box and Sound Controller Thing Using Deej

    Instructable: Arduino Keyboard Joystick Extender Box and Sound Controller Thing Using Deej

    Update Jan. 23, 2021: Looks like the Joystick circuit has failed as it no longer toggles the Mute function. Well, I wasn’t too happy with the initial wiring job so this may be an opportunity to update that. A while ago I developed an interest in Ardu­ino micro­con­trol­lers, and this is my first ‘actu­al’ project.…

  • World’s workforce suffers huge productivity loss due to Google

    Earli­er today Google decided to see how much it could influ­ence the eco­nomy and pro­ductiv­ity of first and second world nations by unleash­ing a vir­al online attack against Inter­net-con­nec­ted office work­ers world wide. Ostens­ibly pro­moted as a 30 year anniversary of a clas­sic video game, Google is, in real­ity, bring­ing work­place activ­ity to a crawl. In Canada,…

  • Fat lady sings. Winners announced soon.

    Thus endith my first blog con­test. And a very cool ride it was. My good friends at Click­free, a Cana­dian backup tech­no­logy com­pany, agreed to provide the prizes (Click­free Trans­former SE) for a blog con­test chal­len­ging folks to provide there best (or worst I guess) backup hor­ror story. I’ve received some rather good entries. Check out the…

  • Write a comment, win a prize!

    I’ve been a fan of Click­free backup sys­tems for a while now. Drop­dead simple and effect­ive for most home usage. Well now the kind folks at Click­free have giv­en me the oppor­tun­ity to share the love, so to speak, in the form of a con­test, my first, in fact. All the gory details are here, but…

  • Still wondering why people follow me on Twitter

    Last year, I wrote a couple of posts explor­ing the reas­ons why people fol­low me on Twitter: Won­der­ing why people fol­low me on Twitter? The reas­ons why people fol­low me on Twitter Well a year has passed since I did that basic research, and Twit­ter has been ‘improved’ in the mean­time — revised ReTweet func­tion,…

  • How to avoid becoming a Twitter spammer, the easy way

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been receiv­ing spam on Twit­ter from trus­ted people I follow. It’s not that they’ve all been over­come by the need to mon­et­ize their Twit­ter accounts (there, I said mon­et­ize in a blog post, I’m doomed), rather, they’ve fallen vic­tim to diabol­ic­ally-craf­ted account phish­ing schemes and their Twit­ter accounts are…

  • How to automatically post your Facebook status to Twitter

    Well it looks like Face­book and Twit­ter are now play­ing nice. If you’re logged into Face­book, this page will walk you through the pro­cess of hook­ing things up so that your Face­book updates will go out to your Twit­ter feed. Select what you want, and pro­tect the rest. I’m going to leave this post as…

  • How to view PDF and other files on your iPhone and iPod Touch

    This art­icle was ori­gin­ally writ­ten in April 2009. A few new apps have appeared since then, but one, GoodRead­er is now my daily go-to PDF read­er right now. I touch on a few of the new apps here, includ­ing GoodRead­er, but you’ll be back on this page if you want to check out Stanza — a…

  • Major Tom cover version — official free download available

    You’ve likely heard it in the Lin­coln MKZ com­mer­cials, but last night I finally paid atten­tion to the ad and listened… and heard this awe­some ver­sion inbetwixt shows. So obvi­ously I had to find it somewhere. After scour­ing Google videos and all, I’d finally resigned myself to hav­ing to listen to it through this…

  • 5 favourite iPhone & iPod Touch applications

    I recently bought an iPod Touch to replace my very cool, yet aging Palm T|X. The iPod Touch does­n’t yet ‘fit me like a glove’ but I’m sure after time it will, and I’ll doc­u­ment my exper­i­ences with it here. Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten that I was rather unim­pressed with the ‘WiPod’ as I called it then.…

  • Best music player ever. Songbird 1.1.1 now with watched folders.

    I’ve writ­ten before about Song­bird, the free, open-source music play­er based on the Moz­illa / Fire­Fox platform. Basic­ally Song­bird rocks. Well, now there’s extra-new-and-improved Song­bird good­ness as the update was released this even­ing, with the one sig­ni­fic­ant fea­ture it’s been lack­ing up ’till now — the ‘Watched Folder’ feature. To quote from the song­bird release email:…

  • Wondering why people follow me on Twitter?

    About 6 months ago I got curi­ous as to why people were fol­low­ing me on Twit­ter. Basic­ally I asked them… and then found out some rather inter­est­ing things, both about why they were fol­low­ing me and also about the evolving etiquette around Twit­ter interactions. This has turned into a two-part post. Ini­tially I was going…