Search results for: "hack"

  • Lego’ and Apple. Can it get much better than this?

    All right, so astute observ­ers will note that it’s not really a Lego set, but a cus­tom set cre­ated by Pod­Brix, a cus­tom Lego ‘hack­ing’ company.  For me, this is a must-have set. I wasted spent many hours of my youth on my Dad’s Apple][e. Flight Sim­u­lat­or and Wizardry…I remem­ber them well. This set seems to…

  • This will surely free more of your valuable time

    Tim Fer­riss (4 Hour Work Week) lists 9 items in his ‘Not To Do List’ that make sense and will free up your time. I already do num­ber 1, and try to do num­ber 4: 1. Do not answer calls from unre­cog­nized phone num­bersFeel free to sur­prise oth­ers, but don’t be sur­prised. It just res­ults in…

  • Linklist — July 26, 2007

    Not your dad’s Ray­Bans — The Aloha Exper­i­ence — a cus­tom­er ser­vice depart­ment that ‘gets it’. It’s Law. it’slaw. — slaw On loy­alty and employ­ment — Your Employ­er Owes You Nothing Seth on the next niche for work­ers — Com­munity Organ­izer Jobs Word­Press geekout alert — Word­Press: Dynam­ic Sub-Page Navigation Prac­tising safe blog­ging at work —…

  • Avoiding social media burnout by getting organized

    If you work and live in the social media uni­verse, as I do, then you’ll appre­ci­ate these five tips to integ­rate social media into your lives — by Shel Holtz (author, social media and pod­cast­ing guru). It’s very easy to stay dis­trac­ted with all the social media options these days, but by get­ting organ­ized and…

  • NOT an iPhone simulator

    An enter­pris­ing com­pany has developed a handy little applic­a­tion that will aid web­site developers when cre­at­ing sites for Apple’s upcom­ing iPhone. But, to be clear, this is not an iPhone simulator: iPhoney is not an iPhone sim­u­lat­or but instead is designed for web developers who want to cre­ate 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320)…

  • Why get an iPhone when your Windows Mobile can be just as swank?

    Life­hack­er has this cool art­icle show­ing you how to pimp your Win Mobile to be all iPhoney. …you can cus­tom­ize your Win­dows Mobile phone to emu­late sev­er­al of the iPhone’s more inter­est­ing fea­tures, like the iPhone’s home screen, flick-scroll con­tacts, and the fancy slide-to-unlock. You’ll need an applic­a­tion — avail­able here, and some free time…

  • Taking the ‘Chris Brogan’ challenge

    Well, not really a chal­lenge, but more of an oppor­tun­ity to flesh out my About page a bit by adding to it in a format that Chris sug­gests. A Quick Sketch Bio­graphy of Brad Gri­erThe thing most people know me for is…likely my pas­sion for things tech­no­lo­gic­al. Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek; I…