If you work and live in the social media universe, as I do, then you’ll appreciate these five tips to integrate social media into your lives — by Shel Holtz (author, social media and podcasting guru).
It’s very easy to stay distracted with all the social media options these days, but by getting organized and maintaining focus, you can stay on top.
1. Use each tool for its strengths—There are a lot of communications for which I won’t use email. That’s a concept someone should share with Radio Shack, which used email to lay off employees. Just as you would never do what Radio Shack did—use email for something email just isn’t good at—you should only use social media tools for what they’re good at.
4. Limit your time—If I get to my office by 7 a.m. (my office is in my house so the commute isn’t bad), I will be done with the entire monitoring of my networks by 8 a.m. By constraining myself to that hour, I’ve learned to get what I need within the time I’ve allotted myself.
Check out the other three items here. And don’t forget to check out Shel (and Neville’s) podcast, For Immediate Release podcast…an awesome resource.
Technorati Tags: Social Media, Burnout, Podcast, Tips, Blogging, Blog, FIR, For Immediate Release
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