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Avoiding social media burnout by getting organized

If you work and live in the social media uni­verse, as I do, then you’ll appre­ci­ate these five tips to integ­rate social media into your lives — by Shel Holtz (author, social media and pod­cast­ing guru). It’s very easy to stay dis­trac­ted with all the social media options these days, but by get­ting organ­ized and…

If you work and live in the social media uni­verse, as I do, then you’ll appre­ci­ate these five tips to integ­rate social media into your lives — by Shel Holtz (author, social media and pod­cast­ing guru).

It’s very easy to stay dis­trac­ted with all the social media options these days, but by get­ting organ­ized and main­tain­ing focus, you can stay on top.

1. Use each tool for its strengths—There are a lot of com­mu­nic­a­tions for which I won’t use email. That’s a concept someone should share with Radio Shack, which used email to lay off employ­ees. Just as you would nev­er do what Radio Shack did—use email for some­thing email just isn’t good at—you should only use social media tools for what they’re good at.

4. Lim­it your time—If I get to my office by 7 a.m. (my office is in my house so the com­mute isn’t bad), I will be done with the entire mon­it­or­ing of my net­works by 8 a.m. By con­strain­ing myself to that hour, I’ve learned to get what I need with­in the time I’ve allot­ted myself.

Check out the oth­er three items here. And don’t for­get to check out Shel (and Neville’s) pod­cast, For Imme­di­ate Release pod­cast…an awe­some resource.

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