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Linklist — July 26, 2007

Not your dad’s Ray­Bans — The Aloha Exper­i­ence — a cus­tom­er ser­vice depart­ment that ‘gets it’. It’s Law. it’slaw. — slaw On loy­alty and employ­ment — Your Employ­er Owes You Nothing Seth on the next niche for work­ers — Com­munity Organ­izer Jobs Word­Press geekout alert — Word­Press: Dynam­ic Sub-Page Navigation Prac­tising safe blog­ging at work —…

Tech­nor­ati Tags: Links, Link­List, Cus­tom­er Ser­vice, Law, Employ­ment, Job, Work, Work­ing, Career, Word­Press, Script, Hack, Blog­ging, Blog­ging Policy






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