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Lego’ and Apple. Can it get much better than this?

All right, so astute observ­ers will note that it’s not really a Lego set, but a cus­tom set cre­ated by Pod­Brix, a cus­tom Lego ‘hack­ing’ company.  For me, this is a must-have set. I wasted spent many hours of my youth on my Dad’s Apple][e. Flight Sim­u­lat­or and Wizardry…I remem­ber them well. This set seems to…

All right, so astute observ­ers will note that it’s not really a Lego set, but a cus­tom set cre­ated by Pod­Brix, a cus­tom Lego ‘hack­ing’ company. 

For me, this is a must-have set. I wasted spent many hours of my youth on my Dad’s Apple][e. Flight Sim­u­lat­or and Wizardry…I remem­ber them well.

This set seems to encom­pass everything cool about the release of the Apple ][. Check out the 2001 themed cal­en­dar on the wall 🙂

They’ve got an awe­some about/faq page that over­views the organ­iz­a­tion and company:

What is PodBrix? 

Tomi Responds:
Pod­Brix sells mod­i­fied mini­figs inspired by the pop­u­lar ad cam­paign for port­able music play­ers. In the future we may branch out to oth­er related minifigs. 

How are the Pod­Brix mini­figs cre­ated?

Tomi Responds:
I start with a stand­ard LEGO® brand mini­fig and modi­fy it by hand to cre­ate the desired appear­ance. Each one is slightly different. 

Do you paint the fig­ures? How do you get the desired col­or of the mini­fig.

Tomi Responds:
All the fig­ures are injec­tion mol­ded plastic man­u­fac­tured in the prop­er col­or. Noth­ing is painted. 

So, Wed­nes­day night at 10 7pm MDT, orders start. I guess I’ll be online at that time. Wish me luck 😉 

…via Boing­Bo­ing






4 responses to “Lego’ and Apple. Can it get much better than this?”

  1. Arbster Avatar

    So, did you get one?

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Nope. It sold out in seconds…couldn’t get pro­cessed in time. Bummer…so I won­der what they’re going for on eBay.

  3. Chris Brogan... Avatar

    I’m won­der­ing if they’ll make all kinds of oth­er vari­ations on the theme, like the “Just one more thing” Jobs, or the NeXT Jobs, etc. 🙂

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Chris,

    Heh…yeah, they do have a couple of oth­ers. One I saw had Woz and anoth­er one titled ‘Key­note’. Fun stuff.

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