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Why get an iPhone when your Windows Mobile can be just as swank?

Life­hack­er has this cool art­icle show­ing you how to pimp your Win Mobile to be all iPhoney. …you can cus­tom­ize your Win­dows Mobile phone to emu­late sev­er­al of the iPhone’s more inter­est­ing fea­tures, like the iPhone’s home screen, flick-scroll con­tacts, and the fancy slide-to-unlock. You’ll need an applic­a­tion — avail­able here, and some free time…

Life­hack­er has this cool art­icle show­ing you how to pimp your Win Mobile to be all iPhoney.

…you can cus­tom­ize your Win­dows Mobile phone to emu­late sev­er­al of the iPhone’s more inter­est­ing fea­tures, like the iPhone’s home screen, flick-scroll con­tacts, and the fancy slide-to-unlock.

You’ll need an applic­a­tion — avail­able here, and some free time to fol­low the directions.

If you’re on a Palm plat­form, check out my earli­er item on the iPhoney skin for your Palm & Treo.

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