Search results for: "technology"

  • Launching a photoblog

    I’ve been want­ing to do this for a while, but had­n’t really had a val­id reas­on to ‘get me going’ on it. Until now, and the recent vaca­tion my wife and I took to Quebec. is the URL of the pho­tob­log that’ll con­tain images, gal­ler­ies and posts. Sounds like any reg­u­lar blog right? Well,…

  • Me? A Professional Blogger? Yep, somewhat.

    Today I became a pro­fes­sion­al blog­ger for Future Shop, the Cana­dian tech­no­logy retail­er. Pro­fes­sion­al as in ‘com­pensated’ for my writ­ing. No, I’ll not be leav­ing my most excel­lent day job, I’d need a bunch more of these to make blog­ging my sole source of income 🙂 and I’m not that prolific 🙂 You’ll find me (and…

  • No reason NOT to get a new computer this year.

    Only in Canada ‘eh? Pity! The recently announced Cana­dian Budget seems to have a dir­ect boon to me. I was­n’t expect­ing it. I was expect­ing more of the same gen­er­al eco­nom­ic stim­u­lus pack­ages, etc. But here’s some­thing that applies to me directly. Temporary 100-Per-Cent Capital Cost Allowance Rate for Computers In light of the eco­nom­ic slow­down, Budget…

  • Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. Hyped DNS Exploit reporting helping or hurting?

    photo cred­it: kevin­dooley Head­line: Research­ers unleash DNS attack code Head­line: Vul­ner­able to a DNS cache pois­on­ing at home? Head­line: Attack Code Released for New DNS Attack First off. This is a ser­i­ous issue, make no doubt about it. But is the report­ing hype sur­round­ing this exploit appro­pri­ate? Here’s some quotes of that hype: Yes­ter­day’s exploit, explained Storms,…

  • Tweaking your FeedBurner / FeedSmith plugin to support WordPress 2.5+ tag feeds (easy!)

    photo cred­it: mag­bag Sorry for the über tech in this post, but I thought this was a simple fix that any­one run­ning a Word­Press 2.5+ blog could do if they wanted to enable ‘Tag Feeds’. Before I get into the how, let’s explore the why briefly. Some back­ground: Feed­burn­er is the ser­vice I (and many many…

  • How to spice up your online identity with Gravatars

    If you’ve ever read a post on a blog and noticed a small photo or image asso­ci­ated with each author, or asso­ci­ated with authors of com­ments, then you’ve seen an ‘avatar’. A few years ago, Gravatar launched as a way to allow people to store an avatar in a single loc­a­tion, and it would auto­mat­ic­ally…

  • How to find new things to read online…use the Human Filter!

    photo cred­it: pho­to­pia / HiMY SYeD I’m an inform­a­tion junkie. I also share a lot of what I find with cowork­ers, friends, etc. So when people ask me where I dig this stuff up I often respond “just found while surf­ing” or “in my RSS feed”. I usu­ally only pass on what I think is good.…

  • Contact Me

    Brad Gri­er is an Edmon­ton based tech­no­logy and com­mu­nic­a­tions writer, blog­ger, and pho­to­graph­er. If you’re look­ing for a little more detail about me, check out the appro­pri­ately named About page 🙂 Since this is the con­tact me page, I’m guess­ing you’ve got some­thing you want to say to me…just leave it and your con­tact details in the…

  • Jott now offering local Canadian phone numbers

    I’ve wanted to post about Jott before, but have held off because this cool tech­no­logy was­n’t avail­able out­side of Toronto. Con­trary to pop­u­lar opin­ion, many Cana­dians live in towns, vil­lages and cit­ies oth­er than Toronto.  To bring you up to speed quickly, Jott is a tele­phone-based voice-mes­sage-to-text ser­vice that util­izes human and voice recog­ni­tion tech­no­logy…

  • wiPod: the next big thing?

     If you man­aged to catch the news today, the twit­ter-sphere was abuzz with it, Apple is freshen­ing its product line in pre­par­a­tion for this upcom­ing hol­i­day sales season.   As vari­ous pun­dits both at the Apple event and mon­it­or­ing it remotely twittered away, it seemed that Steve Jobs was at his best, once again, in front…

  • New Flight Simulator on the block…inside Google Earth?

    Yep, late last week the boffins at Google updated Google Earth. The flag­ship fea­ture was the addi­tion of Google Sky, an astro­nomy map­ping feature. Also included was a little-known Flight Sim­u­lat­or. Very cool! While not tech­nic­ally on par with Flight Sim­u­lat­or X as far as actu­al sim­u­la­tion, the coolest fea­ture is the use of Google’s satel­lite…

  • Photo software reveals new way of looking at the space shuttle

    I’ve men­tioned Pho­to­Synth before (from Microsoft Live Labs), but with the cur­rent space shuttle mis­sion, this new gal­lery deserved a mention. In col­lab­or­a­tion between Microsoft’s Live Labs team in Seattle, Wash­ing­ton, NAS­A’s Kennedy Space Cen­ter, in Cape Canaver­al, Flor­ida, and NAS­A’s Ames Research Cen­ter, in Sil­ic­on Val­ley, these col­lec­tions were cre­ated to allow people to…