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Photo software reveals new way of looking at the space shuttle

I’ve men­tioned Pho­to­Synth before (from Microsoft Live Labs), but with the cur­rent space shuttle mis­sion, this new gal­lery deserved a mention. In col­lab­or­a­tion between Microsoft’s Live Labs team in Seattle, Wash­ing­ton, NAS­A’s Kennedy Space Cen­ter, in Cape Canaver­al, Flor­ida, and NAS­A’s Ames Research Cen­ter, in Sil­ic­on Val­ley, these col­lec­tions were cre­ated to allow people to…

I’ve men­tioned Pho­to­Synth before (from Microsoft Live Labs), but with the cur­rent space shuttle mis­sion, this new gal­lery deserved a mention.

In col­lab­or­a­tion between Microsoft’s Live Labs team in Seattle, Wash­ing­ton, NAS­A’s Kennedy Space Cen­ter, in Cape Canaver­al, Flor­ida, and NAS­A’s Ames Research Cen­ter, in Sil­ic­on Val­ley, these col­lec­tions were cre­ated to allow people to see the shuttle Endeav­our, and the Vehicle Assembly Build­ing at NAS­A’s Kennedy Space Cen­ter in a way nev­er seen before.


Basic­ally, you have hun­dreds of images geo-spa­tially loc­ated around the shuttle as it sits on it’s pad.

 What Pho­to­Synth does is fig­ure out where these shots over­lap, and present you with an incred­ibly cool inter­face to nav­ig­ate with­in the space, visually.


 Anoth­er neat fea­ture is the amount of detail present in the images. You can zoom, and zoom, and zoom, and on some very high rez images, you can reveal aston­ish­ing features.


 And you don’t take a huge band­width hit either. I’ve very impressed by this, and am won­der­ing where this tech­no­logy will resur­face in Microsoft’s world.




Post Script: This art­icle was inspired by my good friend, Ranger-Bob and his awesome/leet tech­nic­al abil­ity. He is able to watch NASA TV, Live, on his Palm T|X, from his that’s dedication!








2 responses to “Photo software reveals new way of looking at the space shuttle”

  1. Ranger Bob Avatar

    Two Geeks always make a right!

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Heh…made me smile 🙂

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