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No reason NOT to get a new computer this year.

Only in Canada ‘eh? Pity! The recently announced Cana­dian Budget seems to have a dir­ect boon to me. I was­n’t expect­ing it. I was expect­ing more of the same gen­er­al eco­nom­ic stim­u­lus pack­ages, etc. But here’s some­thing that applies to me directly. Temporary 100-Per-Cent Capital Cost Allowance Rate for Computers In light of the eco­nom­ic slow­down, Budget…

Only in Canada ‘eh? Pity!

The recently announced Cana­dian Budget seems to have a dir­ect boon to me. I was­n’t expect­ing it. I was expect­ing more of the same gen­er­al eco­nom­ic stim­u­lus pack­ages, etc. But here’s some­thing that applies to me directly.

Temporary 100-Per-Cent Capital Cost Allowance Rate for Computers

In light of the eco­nom­ic slow­down, Budget 2009 pro­poses a two-year 100-per-cent CCA rate for com­puters acquired after Janu­ary 27, 2009 and before Feb­ru­ary 1, 2011. This will allow busi­nesses to fully expense their invest­ment in com­puters in one year. Busi­nesses in all sec­tors of the eco­nomy, includ­ing the ser­vice sec­tor, will bene­fit from this ini­ti­at­ive, which will con­trib­ute to boost­ing Canada’s pro­ductiv­ity through the faster adop­tion of new­er technology.

Obvi­ously I’d need to see the details regard­ing what kind of equip­ment would be covered. For example:

  • what about com­puter sup­port equip­ment (net­work routers, print­ers, etc)
  • what are the lim­its and qualifications?
  • do you have to be a registered com­pany to bene­fit or does it apply to sole proprietorships?

A few details need to be craf­ted, but this could be an inter­est­ing time in the Tech sec­tor, espe­cially in Tech retail! I’ll be watch­ing this rather closely…stay tuned!


5 responses to “No reason NOT to get a new computer this year.”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    New Blog Post: No reas­on NOT to get a new com­puter this year. [link to post] #cdn­budget

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

  2. mikelawton (Mike Lawton) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    RT @bgrier: No reas­on NOT to get a new com­puter this year. [link to post]

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

  3. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    No reas­on NOT to get a new com­puter this year: The recently announced Cana­dian Budget seems to have a dir­ect boo.. [link to post]

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

  4. mike Avatar

    Well, you guys are lucky cana­dians. I nev­er heard of such incent­ive in any oth­er coun­try to sup­port entre­pren­eurs. Your gov­erne­ment is doing the right things to face the crisis, maybe also because there are money reserves some­where. mike

  5. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    @trishussey don’t for­get that new hard­ware pur­chases are now 100% tax depre­ci­ated in 1 year (ie free) [link to post]

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

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