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Jott now offering local Canadian phone numbers

I’ve wanted to post about Jott before, but have held off because this cool tech­no­logy was­n’t avail­able out­side of Toronto. Con­trary to pop­u­lar opin­ion, many Cana­dians live in towns, vil­lages and cit­ies oth­er than Toronto.  To bring you up to speed quickly, Jott is a tele­phone-based voice-mes­sage-to-text ser­vice that util­izes human and voice recog­ni­tion tech­no­logy…

I’ve wanted to post about Jott before, but have held off because this cool tech­no­logy was­n’t avail­able out­side of Toronto. Con­trary to pop­u­lar opin­ion, many Cana­dians live in towns, vil­lages and cit­ies oth­er than Toronto. 

To bring you up to speed quickly, Jott is a tele­phone-based voice-mes­sage-to-text ser­vice that util­izes human and voice recog­ni­tion tech­no­logy to cre­ate remind­ers, email and text mes­sages. Just call one num­ber, leave a mes­sage for the sys­tem, addressed to your­self, someone in your email address book (includ­ing a group), or even leave twit­ter ‘tweets’. Leave the mes­sage and a few minutes later it’s tran­scribed and delivered.

So, cool tech­no­logy no? But only for those in the “Centre of the Uni­versetm” for the rest of us, it was a long dis­tance call to Toronto to use Jot­t’s free ser­vice. And in Canada, long dis­tance rates are not all that inexpensive. 

Now, things have changed. Earli­er today I received this email:

We are happy to announce that Cana­dian loc­al num­bers are finally here!

As most of you know, we have had a Toronto Jott num­ber (647−724−5814) for some time and have been work­ing on acquir­ing more loc­al num­bers across Canada.

Still con­fused as to why we are not releas­ing a toll free num­ber? Jott requires caller ID to know who is send­ing a Jott to what con­tact inform­a­tion. In an effort to pro­tect your pri­vacy, most Cana­dian mobile pro­viders have blocked caller ID inform­a­tion from being passed to toll free num­bers. This leaves the altern­at­ive of using loc­al access num­bers across the coun­try, so that every­one can send Jott mes­sages without hav­ing to pay long dis­tance fees.

Below is the list of avail­able Jott num­bers in Canada. Find the num­ber in your area code and pro­gram it to your speed dial today!
AURORA : +12898020110
CALGARY : +14037751288
EDMONTON : +17806287799
HALIFAX : +19024828120
HAMILTON : +19054819060
KITCHENER : +15199572711
LONDON : +15194898968
MARKHAM : +12898000110
MONTREAL : +15146670329
OTTAWA : +16136861502
QUEBEC CITY : +14189072209
SAINT JOHNS : +17097570047
SHERBROOKE : +18193401636
TORONTO : +16477245365
TORONTO : +14168001067
VANCOUVER : +17787868229
VANCOUVER : +16044841347
VICTORIA : +12509847093
WINDSOR : +15198000031
WINNIPEG : +12042728154

Now I’m a much hap­pi­er camper. The only down­side is if you travel a lot, you’ll need to keep these Jott loc­al num­bers handy.

Wel­come to the rest of the Great White North Jott! 







4 responses to “Jott now offering local Canadian phone numbers”

  1. Bill Wallace Avatar
    Bill Wallace

    this is great but it would be nice to have a num­ber for char­lot­tetown or PEI in general.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Bill, no kid­ding! I’m not see­ing any cit­ies from the North there either, Yel­lowknife, Whitehorse..etc. I guess it’s a start.

  3. Kate from Jott Avatar

    Just saw this and wanted to chime in to let you all know that we will con­tin­ue to add more num­bers as they become avail­able through our provider.

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Kate, thanks for stop­ping by!

    Good to hear that you’re adding more numbers…too bad that there’s no simple way to keep them all togeth­er if you’re trav­el­ling, oth­er than to keep check­ing for the updated list.

    Ah well, the fun of Canada’s telco system.

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