I’ve wanted to post about Jott before, but have held off because this cool technology wasn’t available outside of Toronto. Contrary to popular opinion, many Canadians live in towns, villages and cities other than Toronto.
To bring you up to speed quickly, Jott is a telephone-based voice-message-to-text service that utilizes human and voice recognition technology to create reminders, email and text messages. Just call one number, leave a message for the system, addressed to yourself, someone in your email address book (including a group), or even leave twitter ‘tweets’. Leave the message and a few minutes later it’s transcribed and delivered.
So, cool technology no? But only for those in the “Centre of the Universetm” for the rest of us, it was a long distance call to Toronto to use Jott’s free service. And in Canada, long distance rates are not all that inexpensive.
Now, things have changed. Earlier today I received this email:
We are happy to announce that Canadian local numbers are finally here!
As most of you know, we have had a Toronto Jott number (647−724−5814) for some time and have been working on acquiring more local numbers across Canada.
Still confused as to why we are not releasing a toll free number? Jott requires caller ID to know who is sending a Jott to what contact information. In an effort to protect your privacy, most Canadian mobile providers have blocked caller ID information from being passed to toll free numbers. This leaves the alternative of using local access numbers across the country, so that everyone can send Jott messages without having to pay long distance fees.
Below is the list of available Jott numbers in Canada. Find the number in your area code and program it to your speed dial today!
AURORA : +12898020110
CALGARY : +14037751288
EDMONTON : +17806287799
HALIFAX : +19024828120
HAMILTON : +19054819060
KITCHENER : +15199572711
LONDON : +15194898968
MARKHAM : +12898000110
MONTREAL : +15146670329
OTTAWA : +16136861502
QUEBEC CITY : +14189072209
SAINT JOHNS : +17097570047
SHERBROOKE : +18193401636
TORONTO : +16477245365
TORONTO : +14168001067
VANCOUVER : +17787868229
VANCOUVER : +16044841347
VICTORIA : +12509847093
WINDSOR : +15198000031
WINNIPEG : +12042728154
Now I’m a much happier camper. The only downside is if you travel a lot, you’ll need to keep these Jott local numbers handy.
Welcome to the rest of the Great White North Jott!
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