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Category: Web

  • I’m don’t have the knowledge, but ChatGPT does…

    I’m work­ing on a web­site, build­ing pages that have ran­dom pull-quotes on them. And I’m mak­ing mockup / place­hold­er pages. Many mockups. This gets old pretty quickly so I’m think­ing to myself, “Self? Let’s see if we can have some fun with these quotes”. But, rather than just do a search for quotes, I thought I’d…

  • Friday: Lander

    Friday: Lander

    Stand­ard Lun­ar Lander — because it’s Friday.

  • Canadarm: Today’s Google Doodle

    Very cool of the fine folks at Google to recog­nize the 31st anniversary of the Cana­darm’s use in space with today’s Google Doodle.

  • More Gagarin Goodness…

    Earli­er today I noticed the Google Doodle point­ing to resources about Yuri Gagar­in’s (and man­kind’s) first orbit of the Earth. A few moments ago @mynameiskate poin­ted me at the You­Tube logo — mod­i­fied too — and links to First Orbit a free fea­ture-length movie about Gagar­in’s flight: A real time recre­ation of Yuri Gagar­in’s pion­eer­ing…

  • Only 50? Seems longer…

    Only 50 years ago today, a sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stone in the space race was achieved, launch­ing a man, the Soviet Uni­on’s Yuri Gagar­in, bey­ond the atmo­sphere and into a single orbit of the Earth. Lots of cool space and Gagar­in related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool anim­a­tion on their doodle — just float…

  • It’s a Book [video]

    I’ll let the video do the talking. Hat tip to my friend Tim for post­ing this on Facebook 🙂

  • Spending good money on nothing, it’s not a new concept.

    Dis­clos­ure: I’m involved with an organ­iz­a­tion that has vir­tu­al goods and cur­rency  — and yes, you can exchange real money for vir­tu­al goods in it. The vir­tu­al eco­nomy is heat­ing up. GigaOm reports that Face­book Could Make $250M From Vir­tu­al Goods Next Year; make money from stuff that isn’t tan­gible. Stuff you can’t hold in your…

  • Free and good? It’s for the birds!

    Actu­ally it’s for you and me, and I’m refer­ring to the free online suite of tools that flies under the Avi­ary ban­ner. Actu­ally, it’s more than a suite of tools, Avi­ary is also a com­munity by and for con­tent creators: At Avi­ary, we believe that every­one in the world should have access to power­ful cre­ation…

  • Quartet on iPad — Sweet Dream [Video]

    Happy Fri­day! Found this earli­er in the week and decided it’d be per­fect for my cur­rent fas­cin­a­tion with iPad music apps. Four musi­cians play­ing amp­li­fied iPads as a quar­tet. Quite nice! The iPad Orches­tra from Alex Shpil on Vimeo. Oh, and the app they’re play­ing is Seline HD — I’ve not checked it out yet, but…

  • On the radio…

    Earli­er this week I had great fun! CBC Edmon­ton­’s Peter Brown (who reg­u­larly hosts the after­noon drive-time pro­gram Radio Act­ive) inter­viewed me for a series on Edmon­ton blog­gers and pod­casters called E‑Pinion. We chat­ted about this blog, what got me into blog­ging, life­style tech­no­logy etc. And I men­tioned my Mom a couple of times too. For…

  • Keeping the Internet safe, one browser at a time

    Microsoft’s Inter­net Explorer browser has­n’t been my daily work browser for many years, and I can­’t see that chan­ging any­time soon. There are many reas­ons that I’m not going to go into, but these days it’s mostly about what I’m famil­i­ar with. From the sat­is­fac­tion num­bers I’ve seen, IE is still quite the power­house browser-of-choice…

  • Some of my better photos from 2009

    I’ve taken a look back at some of the shots I’ve been for­tu­nate enough to cap­ture this year. flickr has a cool fea­ture called ‘sets’, so I made one — then noticed that I can share the set as a slideshow — embed­ded below. Enjoy! And happy new year!